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Thanks for your question, ANISA OLIVA!!!

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When y’all were younger what did y’all want to be when you got older? And do you feel as though society pushes kids to be more realistic about what they want to be when their older instead of their fantasy? When I was younger I wanted to be a popstar(like Hannah Montana) then I got older and switched it to a doctor because I realized what reality was pushing me to.


What's y'all's take on this?  How do you feel society pressures us when it comes to our hopes & aspirations?  ...and what did you guys want to be growing up?!  Hit us in the comments!!!


Anisa Q&A June


Loki Marcus

For me personally my parents do. As they have a set of values that are a lot more traditional than most people i know. My dad told me that id have to be realistic in knowing theres a good possibility i wont make it. Btw i do love my parents and that statement does come from a place of love, but they only understand what they are familiar with. My advice to anyone with a dream, if it means much, is if you think it wont happen, or plan around the potential of it not happening, you are setting yourself up for defeat.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:09:24 I think that's definitely a sensible way of looking at it! Belief in the possibility and focus on the end-result rather than potential failure is a big part of the mental key to it. Most things have multiple ways you can approach them & it's about finding the most realistic ways of attacking that dream. Good of you as well to sympathize with where your folks might be coming from, even if you don't agree. And there are things that can be learned from training your eye toward the world based on feedback like that, but I think what a lot of people miss when they think that was is the fact that if you shoot for the moon, chances are you'll still land among the stars (as they say). Sometimes you don't become the world-touring pop-idol, but maybe you do start working in music & recording or something like that.. just as an example.. either way, appreciate you chiming in, mate! One way or another, you'll find the way :)
2019-07-01 22:32:19 I think that's definitely a sensible way of looking at it! Belief in the possibility and focus on the end-result rather than potential failure is a big part of the mental key to it. Most things have multiple ways you can approach them & it's about finding the most realistic ways of attacking that dream. Good of you as well to sympathize with where your folks might be coming from, even if you don't agree. And there are things that can be learned from training your eye toward the world based on feedback like that, but I think what a lot of people miss when they think that was is the fact that if you shoot for the moon, chances are you'll still land among the stars (as they say). Sometimes you don't become the world-touring pop-idol, but maybe you do start working in music & recording or something like that.. just as an example.. either way, appreciate you chiming in, mate! One way or another, you'll find the way :)

I think that's definitely a sensible way of looking at it! Belief in the possibility and focus on the end-result rather than potential failure is a big part of the mental key to it. Most things have multiple ways you can approach them & it's about finding the most realistic ways of attacking that dream. Good of you as well to sympathize with where your folks might be coming from, even if you don't agree. And there are things that can be learned from training your eye toward the world based on feedback like that, but I think what a lot of people miss when they think that was is the fact that if you shoot for the moon, chances are you'll still land among the stars (as they say). Sometimes you don't become the world-touring pop-idol, but maybe you do start working in music & recording or something like that.. just as an example.. either way, appreciate you chiming in, mate! One way or another, you'll find the way :)