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Thanks for the question, FIRST PATRON EVER - HOUSE HEISENBERG!!!

Full Question is:

What the craziest and most vivid dream you’ve ever had (that you can still remember)? I once had a dream I was Michelle Obama and somehow I ended playing in an NBA Finals game (still as Michelle Obama) 


Got any crazy weird dreams you guys care to share?!


What's The Craziest & Most Vivid Dreams We've Ever Had That We Can Remember lol?!



one dream, I can remember was extreamly vivid; I was a freshman in high school, and I dreamed an entire day (a monday) of school. I went through an entire normal day of school, from my mom waking me in up the morning to get ready, all the way to me going to bed that night. I showered, had breakfast, packed my books for the classes that day, went to the bus stop, the whole bus rides to and from school, full conversations with friends, full classes with subjects we hadn't covered yet in class, everything. the Dream was so real to me, that when my mom woke me up, i thought that it was the next day. I packed the wrong bookes, my friends couldn't recall the conversations we had, Iwent to the wrong class in my first hour. It took a bit for my friends to convince me that it was Monday and not Tuesday already, and even longer for me to wrap my mind around the fact that it was a dream. It was some serious Twilite Zone/Matrix shit. After seeing Avenger's: End Game though, I'm pretty sure it was something similar to what happenedm with Nebula and the mind/data crossing problem. lol.


LOL Other-T.J. was in-range!! That's actually pretty crazy though, man! ...a super-normal, realistic dream almost seems weirder than something more surreal haha. ...and now I'm just sitting here wondering if you actually DID live through that Monday and now there's some sort of conspiracy in effect wherein you're effectively living in a world a day behind everyone... and perhaps we all are... perhaps you remember a day that was erased from all our memories! ...either way, I think that's one of my favorite dream stories I've ever heard. And now my biggest curiosity is what were the new lessons your subconscious was teaching you?!


Haha, you might be right. I think it was a sever crash in the matrix, and when they rebooted, everyone else reset to the "last saved file", but for some reason I glitched on the reboot and remembered the day... lol If there was a lesson, I think it was to not stress about the future. Cause I was obviously thinking about it way too hard...