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Thanks for your question, ELLE B.!!!

What are some of y'all's favorites?!?


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Elle B Q&A


Elle B.

I’ll have to watch that greg! You all did name off some fantastic films with female leads, but it is hard to think of good movies with a female ensemble that aren’t a romantic comedy or teen girl coming of age movie. The Craft is one of my fave movies too! I would also say A League of Their Own which I consider more of a sports comedy than a chick flick.


Yesss, give it a look! ...I'm gonna have to check it out as well 😅 haha. A League of Their Own is a great call!! Would definitely say that's a sports movie more than a "chick flick." Alsooo completely forgot, but does Hocus Pocus count?! The Sanderson Sisters are staples of my childhood!!!