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Happy week, peeps!!

Got a bit of a twofer for ya this time - BTS STYLE!!!

Join me as I check out their recent single as well as their SNL debut!!


BTS Boy With Luv MV & SnL

This is "BTS Boy With Luv MV & SnL" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Elle B.

Omg a double-feature? You’re too generous! I’m glad you loved it. They definitely wanted to have a fun and relaxed vibe for this album which this song is just happiness on a plate. Lol And Halsey has more singing parts on the album version! She actually sings some Korean along w/bts. They did the video this way with her part shortened because they have to perform this song without her on tour, etc. They did perform it at the Billboard awards together and it was really good. SNL stages stress me out too!! I was nervous for them when they announced this was happening, because the stage is normally so small and I wasn’t sure how this would work out, but they made me proud! And yes, the main vocal parts were live as were the backup singers and the live band. There was a track with the adlibs and some of the background vocals for each member to give them support so they can catch their breath. I do prefer the live versions of this song best! Their energy is unmatched.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:11:07 Yesss! (And a very late comment response 😅😖) I love the way you described that haha, happiness on a plate! I'll have to give the album cut a listen, then. I'm always bummed when they do that. Raaaarely have I heard a radio cut that made me go, "oh, yeah.. that's better." Although, in this case, for tour purposes, I suppose that makes a fair amount of sense. Cool that she joined them in singing some of the Korean as well! As long as it's on the up-and-up, I'm always pleased to see people really engage & collaborate that way. I'm always wary of the sound mix for whatever reason when it comes to SNL. I feel like they clean it up later for the online posts, but I can't be certain lol. I'm glad they nailed this, though. Some people also get the first-time-on-SNL/Holy-Shit-We're-Actually-HERE!!! jitters, but they seemed totally on point. Like you said, SO much energy!! And that makes sense. I try to sing along with songs when I go jogging just to see what that must be like and.. with such precise dance routines & all that, I think a little backup would be quite helpful 😅 and love as well that they've got live instrumentation & the backup singers. That extra effort to translate into the live setting is always exciting to me. Can definitely see why you'd prefer the live cuts of this one!!
2019-06-22 21:43:19 Yesss! (And a very late comment response 😅😖) I love the way you described that haha, happiness on a plate! I'll have to give the album cut a listen, then. I'm always bummed when they do that. Raaaarely have I heard a radio cut that made me go, "oh, yeah.. that's better." Although, in this case, for tour purposes, I suppose that makes a fair amount of sense. Cool that she joined them in singing some of the Korean as well! As long as it's on the up-and-up, I'm always pleased to see people really engage & collaborate that way. I'm always wary of the sound mix for whatever reason when it comes to SNL. I feel like they clean it up later for the online posts, but I can't be certain lol. I'm glad they nailed this, though. Some people also get the first-time-on-SNL/Holy-Shit-We're-Actually-HERE!!! jitters, but they seemed totally on point. Like you said, SO much energy!! And that makes sense. I try to sing along with songs when I go jogging just to see what that must be like and.. with such precise dance routines & all that, I think a little backup would be quite helpful 😅 and love as well that they've got live instrumentation & the backup singers. That extra effort to translate into the live setting is always exciting to me. Can definitely see why you'd prefer the live cuts of this one!!

Yesss! (And a very late comment response 😅😖) I love the way you described that haha, happiness on a plate! I'll have to give the album cut a listen, then. I'm always bummed when they do that. Raaaarely have I heard a radio cut that made me go, "oh, yeah.. that's better." Although, in this case, for tour purposes, I suppose that makes a fair amount of sense. Cool that she joined them in singing some of the Korean as well! As long as it's on the up-and-up, I'm always pleased to see people really engage & collaborate that way. I'm always wary of the sound mix for whatever reason when it comes to SNL. I feel like they clean it up later for the online posts, but I can't be certain lol. I'm glad they nailed this, though. Some people also get the first-time-on-SNL/Holy-Shit-We're-Actually-HERE!!! jitters, but they seemed totally on point. Like you said, SO much energy!! And that makes sense. I try to sing along with songs when I go jogging just to see what that must be like and.. with such precise dance routines & all that, I think a little backup would be quite helpful 😅 and love as well that they've got live instrumentation & the backup singers. That extra effort to translate into the live setting is always exciting to me. Can definitely see why you'd prefer the live cuts of this one!!

Elle B.

Just curious, because I know you guys are busy, but have you had a chance to listen to any of their stuff other than what you've reacted to?


Sorry this is ages late haha. Trying to go through the back-catalog of comments that might've slipped past me 😅Aaaand at least as of writing this, I've heard a few of their other tracks outside of what we've interacted with directly here/on YouTube, however not in any real substantial capacity. Certainly not for lack of interest, however! I think, given the language barrier, I often want to put them on in a way I can more-actively focus, but maybe that's the wrong approach lol

Elle B.

when I first got into them, I listened to the songs first before looking up translations. If I really liked a song, then I’d be like “Okay, I gotta know what he’s talking about” and look it up. But for the most part it’s the beats/melodies/line deliveries that get me, the lyrics are just a bonus.