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Aloha Patron-O-Jects!

Just wanted to give ya'll a couple of updates while we're moving.

We do have at least 1 TV Show Reaction scheduled every day this week before the weekend occurs.

Because of the move, if something MAJOR drops, we probably won't be able to cover it. Going to need to focus all day Wednesday on moving and cleaning (you know how landlords can be about deposits) then need to settle in & unpack before Game Of Thrones on Sunday. 

Also, we did take on quite a lot of tasks for April, we haven't had a day off so it'd be nice after the move to have one day to chill out haha. But we'll be back in full swing with regular uploads by Monday morning!

Going to try our best to cover Supernatural for the weekend & there are vids we have prepped to go up on youtube while we take care of this personal life business.

Exciting times!!!

Thank ya'll for the love & support, we truly feel it here more than anywhere else, and keep a lookout for May 2019 Q&A Post to submit questions!!!


Announcement About Our Move


Eric Horstman

Take your time man! Don’t stress! Moving is hell, get situated.. after that no excuses lol Kidding!

Elle B.

Hope your move goes smooth! Don’t worry about us! Take the time you need!

Laura Moore

Happy moving! I know it can be a huge hassle and stress so don't stress over channel stuff. People get it

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:12:57 Thanks, dear! Means a lot 😊doing our best to get situated pretty quick, but it's been fun setting up the new set & everything. Back to normal in a jiffy!
2019-05-04 01:00:54 Thanks, dear! Means a lot 😊doing our best to get situated pretty quick, but it's been fun setting up the new set & everything. Back to normal in a jiffy!

Thanks, dear! Means a lot 😊doing our best to get situated pretty quick, but it's been fun setting up the new set & everything. Back to normal in a jiffy!


Thanks, dear!! Sometimes it seems like we fret more than you guys do haha. Either way, REALLY appreciate the support!!!