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In this episode, Butch makes Greg cry...

Then there's stuff with like Azarael (Theo), Tabbatha, Edward Nygma, Selena Kyle, Alfred, Bruce, Jim, Dr. Hugo Strange, and more peeps....

But Butch Makes Greg cry....

Oh yeah Penguin's back....

Butch - tears lol


Gotham 2x20 Unleased STREAM ALONG!!!


Evgeny Caruana

It really amazes me as how they stay true to the comics in this series... sometimes it seems too obvious but it's too likeable to make it look bad. I personally love how they portray certain characters, Jim has that complexity to him that is quite interesting since we are used to the idea that Batman is that kind of character... with the spotlight on him. It does put a spotlight on Bruce Wayne of course but it certainly changes our perception of who's the hero, that being Jim Gordon in this show. Hahaha Last thing, best for last, loved your reaction! 🔥


To see you go from crying to laughing in the space of one scene shows just how good the writing can be on this show. Azraels death scene was just the perfect kind of cheesy and campy moment that Gotham does so well when it goes for over the top moments. Also with Hugo Strange, i think the character worked best when he was first introduced because of the way he was shot, with all the weird twisted, close up camera angles if you remember. now it seems as though the camera work on the character has normalized somewhat, yet the acting and line delivery hasn't evolved with it and its now coming across very cartoonist. Hopefully that makes as much sense written as it does in my head lol. Anyway these last 2 episodes are full on intense and then onto my personal favorite season 3 !!


First I thought it was too unrealistic - but then I started having fun when I accepted they that wasn't their aim. It's more comic book ish. I was angry about some backstories but then accepted that this is an AU


Right? Was maybe a bit skeptical going in, but I really love the way they've blended the tones and characters of the comics with their take on the story. I always love a good complex Jim Gordon haha. And best for last.... THANK YOU!!! 😊


Haha it makes sense! That's actually a really good point, I think it would help a lot to either re-incorporate some of those elements or else add some more flesh to his character (...or both lol). And yes lol these are definitely an emotional journey 😂 glad you're still enjoying the reactions!!!


Yeah, that's kinda how I try to go into most of these shows and films now (unless they're part of some super-specific continuity). This is just these particular people's take.. but that being said, I agree! Once you get into the show's groove it's pretty friggin great!