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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/328081994/9acf9dcf25


Episode Synopsis: With all the disparate pieces lurching into motion, we find our heroes scattered as Central Forces' unholy immortal army becomes active.  Having reached their previous destination, Ed, Scar, and the chimera attempt to hold them off...  meanwhile Olivier experiences a setback of her own as Sloth sets his sights on her.  And, back at the massive, earthen dome, Heinkel has an epiphany regarding Pride...

Join me for another INCREDIBLY thrilling episode!!!



FMAB 51 Stream Along


Elle B.

The horror elements were real in this episode! I just can’t do body horror so that Envy scene always makes my skin crawl. Lol It’s so well animated though, I have to appreciate it!

Jorge Luque

Welcome to the final act of FMA: Brotherhood where everybody is fighting somebody and we're really gonna start having a good time. You spoke about Mustang and what he's up to. Let's just say the next time Mustang is front and center in an episode it's for one of my favorite moments in the entire series. I'm so hype for it lol The one thing that stood out in this episode is this feeling of constant movement. The transitions were like passing a baton in a relay race. Nothing ever felt stagnant and it made for a fast paced episode. I love zombie movies so much that I get really excited when shows and movies take influence from them. Digging the horror vibes and horrific portrayal of the immortal legion. The Armstrongs fighting together is really sweet. I don't think there's a problem in their relationship, it's more that Olivier has a problem with Alex. There's no denying that for this particular fight Alex is probably better equipped than Olivier is. It was cool to see her go toe to toe with Sloth for a while though. Heinkel's plea for Al to use the stone was amazing. He knows that Ed and Al have such strong convictions that he had to put it under different context in order for Al to agree to use it. When Al walks out shining red I can't help but get caught up in the moment. The stone can make an amateur alchemist look like master. I wonder what an alchemy prodigy like Al could do with it lol


Uggghhh haha I feel ya 😬😅😱I love some good body horror, but partly because it does get such an icky, visceral reaction from me lol. Truly nightmarish the way they do it on this show.


Haha yesssss. This is the sense I get from these last couple episodes. The final push!!! And will definitely keep my eyes peeled for the next Mustang episode. I can only imagine... 😅 That's a great way to describe that! Been loving these transitions between scenes. It's like they catch you, but... somehow it's still super fluid. This show has really helped me train an eye to ward the directing of these kinds of shows. Always taking notes lol. Glad you appreciated those zombie movie vibes too haha. As a horror fan, that and the body horror elements going on with Envy have been particularly gratifying. And yeah, that's about the sweetest fight scene I've maybe ever seen haha. And yeah, nice to have a moment that's more tailored toward Alex. I just want them to get aloooong haha God and Al taking up the stone... I really thought we were gonna lose Heinkel there. And didn't he find the stone, like.. several episodes ago? If memory serves correctly, I love the way they waited to bring that back around. Plus what a badass moment when Al re-emerges with it.. gaahhh!!