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Thanks for your question, ANISA OLIVA!!!

Where do y'all stand on this one?!  (...those of you who don't already have families lol)

And keep an eye out for the APRIL Q&A POST in a few days!!!!


Anisa Oliva Q&A


Evgeny Caruana

Damn those biceps!! 💪💪💪💪

Elle B.

Living in Arkansas it’s very common for people to get married either A) Right out of high school or B) in their early 20s and having kids soon after. (This is actually common anywhere in the bible belt) Which makes me feel like a bit of a pariah because I am 27, not religious, unwed and childless lmao. I’ve always maintained that if I found the right person, I would like to get married and have a child. But now with how the world is and where it’s going (environmental issues, etc.) I don’t think I could willingly bring a new life into the world for fear their future would be terrible.


I've never been to Arkansas, but from some of the other places I've spent time in out that way, I suppose I'd believe it 😅also YOU HEATHEN, YOU!!! Haha I suppose I don't blame you feeling a bit out of place. That's a very reasonable concern as well 😰don't want to be potentially having to gore people over buckets of guzzoline while trying to shield your younglings from the methane atmosphere... Really hope we can see our way to caring about the rock we're as a group on sometime 😬


I'm seeing more and more people just staying single now days. Times and society have changed so much from just 10-20 years ago. I think it's smart. Keep doing your thing, and see what happens. Marriage is only an option.


Yeah, it definitely seems like there's a bit less pressure these days. Or less of a one-size-fits-all approach to how you should build your life. This is a topic that always fascinates me, but generally I'm with you - keep doin' your thing n see what happens. And if you happen to find sometime that marriage is the thing, then there ya go!