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What are some of your FAVORITE superhero action scenes?!  Doesn't have to be exclusively fights, so feel free to get creative...

Sound off in the comments!!!  & thanks again to FUNMI ADETOLA for the question!!!




Mine is the elevator scene from Captain America Winter Soldier.

Elle B.

I love the scene in Civil War where Black Panther is chasing Bucky. And idk how to label it, but the moments leading up to the “Hit me!” scene in The Dark Knight.

Evgeny Caruana

Captain America The Winter Soldier, that scene where Bucky and Cap confront each other one last time. "I'll be with you till the end of the line" 😪👌

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

Highway scene in Winter Soldier is still my favourite even after all the great superhero films in recent years. Love the intensity and the genuine tension in it, especially the part where we see Black Widow feel scared for the first time. Edit: Man, the love for WS here makes me smile haha


Yesss! Both killer sequences - was actually sorta wondering what to call that altercation in TDK as well, but basically all that stuff in the street at night with the Batpod & the truck flipping over, yeah?

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:15:29 Haha right? Whole lot'a quality action in that one! And good call! Fight's friggin' intense & personally I also find it kinda nice that it takes some time to have BW trying to warn people & sorta acknowledging the civilians in peril and all that. But seriously, SUCH an intense & rewarding fight.
2019-03-25 22:07:40 Haha right? Whole lot'a quality action in that one! And good call! Fight's friggin' intense & personally I also find it kinda nice that it takes some time to have BW trying to warn people & sorta acknowledging the civilians in peril and all that. But seriously, SUCH an intense & rewarding fight.

Haha right? Whole lot'a quality action in that one! And good call! Fight's friggin' intense & personally I also find it kinda nice that it takes some time to have BW trying to warn people & sorta acknowledging the civilians in peril and all that. But seriously, SUCH an intense & rewarding fight.

Elle B.

Yes! And the soundtrack and sound design enhances it so much. Chills every time!