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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/325309753/d6469e6fb8


Mere moments before the the dawn of The Promised Day, the battle with Pride on the outskirts of Kanama rages on...  meanwhile, back in central, Mustang & company prepare to make their move...

Join me for another rollicking episode!!


Couple un-used thumbs for y'all as well!!


FMAB 49 - Stream Along


Elle B.

Loved getting to see Hohenheim be a badass! I still get chills. I feel so bad for the fuhrer’s wife. Lol She thinks she has this loving family but her husband and son are essentially not real people. A cliffhanger indeed! The next episode is one of my favorites! Hype from start to finish.


Gahh that was SO rewarding!! All the recent stuff with Hohenheim has been awesome haha, love watching him stick it to Pride. And god, that poor woman 😅 I really hope she doesn't get executed - fascinated to see what her life is going to become in light of all of this. I'll be sure to brace myself extra for the next one lol

Jorge Luque

It's funny that you knew there was more to the plan than Al running up behind Pride. I think that was the point though, because it should be obvious. Pride just thinks so little of humans that he didn't expect them to have an actual plan. His arrogance got him trapped. I want to point out that Hoenheim was transmuting with his hands in his pockets lmao Once the sun comes up at the end it's a clear sign that the time is now. They had to fight their way through the night, but they made it. This is the promised day and it's time to get shit done. We start the actual promised day next episode and I think you're really gonna enjoy some of those moments. I like what you said about Mustang's part of the story being separated from the rest of the episode. It makes sense being that they are operating in the shadows. the post credits can be looked at as the shadows of the episode itself. Scar's aggressive defiance to the notion that him or his people had anything to do with Bradley's train was exactly what I wanted to hear. Also, Kimblee is back in the picture and I missed him. There are so many moving pieces in this series that you never know who might show up out of the blue.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:15:25 Haha yeah, I just had to imagine that they'd have something a bit more complex than that up their sleeves. I'm just used to them being smarter about these things now I think. Still, though, it was a fun mislead! And especially rewarding to see Pride trapped, as you pointed out, due to his own arrogance & hubris. And good call re: Hohenheim! I think I may have overlooked that in the frenzy of everything, but it's pretty badass all the same. Such mastery of the craft of alchemy haha. And yeah, you see that sunrise at the end, you know it's Go-Time. Appreciate that re: Mustang as well! I feel like a lot of times post-credits stuff can feel incidental or less-essential, but I really like how they've handled a lot of them here; notes that don't exactly tie directly into the body of the episode, but are still important moving forward.. and I like that view on the credits as being the actual shadows of the episode - helped all the more by the way the current outro has you spiraling out of that tunnel haha. Love the scope of the series as well and the way it allows characters to pop in and out as necessary without feeling forced. And even though we only saw Kimblee for a moment, he sure makes that moment count 😅very worried for Scar when he finally finds out what happened there..
2019-03-26 18:17:26 Haha yeah, I just had to imagine that they'd have something a bit more complex than that up their sleeves. I'm just used to them being smarter about these things now I think. Still, though, it was a fun mislead! And especially rewarding to see Pride trapped, as you pointed out, due to his own arrogance & hubris. And good call re: Hohenheim! I think I may have overlooked that in the frenzy of everything, but it's pretty badass all the same. Such mastery of the craft of alchemy haha. And yeah, you see that sunrise at the end, you know it's Go-Time. Appreciate that re: Mustang as well! I feel like a lot of times post-credits stuff can feel incidental or less-essential, but I really like how they've handled a lot of them here; notes that don't exactly tie directly into the body of the episode, but are still important moving forward.. and I like that view on the credits as being the actual shadows of the episode - helped all the more by the way the current outro has you spiraling out of that tunnel haha. Love the scope of the series as well and the way it allows characters to pop in and out as necessary without feeling forced. And even though we only saw Kimblee for a moment, he sure makes that moment count 😅very worried for Scar when he finally finds out what happened there..

Haha yeah, I just had to imagine that they'd have something a bit more complex than that up their sleeves. I'm just used to them being smarter about these things now I think. Still, though, it was a fun mislead! And especially rewarding to see Pride trapped, as you pointed out, due to his own arrogance & hubris. And good call re: Hohenheim! I think I may have overlooked that in the frenzy of everything, but it's pretty badass all the same. Such mastery of the craft of alchemy haha. And yeah, you see that sunrise at the end, you know it's Go-Time. Appreciate that re: Mustang as well! I feel like a lot of times post-credits stuff can feel incidental or less-essential, but I really like how they've handled a lot of them here; notes that don't exactly tie directly into the body of the episode, but are still important moving forward.. and I like that view on the credits as being the actual shadows of the episode - helped all the more by the way the current outro has you spiraling out of that tunnel haha. Love the scope of the series as well and the way it allows characters to pop in and out as necessary without feeling forced. And even though we only saw Kimblee for a moment, he sure makes that moment count 😅very worried for Scar when he finally finds out what happened there..