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"Symbol Of Peace" 

 REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/323928084/476b1f215e



It's an ALL OUT BATTLE with ALL FOR ONE Versing ALL MIGHT - meanwhile on the sidelines, the UA students plot a way to rescue Bakugo from the ground floor amongst the League Of Villains.


My Hero Academia 3x10 STREAM ALONG!!!



I watch the stream alongs

Brian Lacock

I watch the full episodes 👋


Full episodes.

Jorge Luque

I watch the stream alongs and don't really watch the highlights. I'm shocked you guys had positive things to say about Iida and Bakugo lol Most striking part of this episode was them touching more on the Shigaraki and All For One relationship. There are certain parallels between them and Midoriya & All Might. I even liked how All For One flipped All Might's "I Am Here" line. Midoriya's best moments come from him demonstrating how resourceful he is. He's really good at thinking on his feet and I appreciate him taking the time to access the situation and the ways it could go wrong. There is a chance that Bakugo would've responded if someone else called out to him, but Kirishima was just the safest choice. It makes sense and watching the plan play out was thrilling. Bakugo exploding into the air was crazy. Shout out to the animators.


I love the streamalongs

Ryan H

I watch!

Loki Marcus

I love the streamalongs. And I hope I don't overhype it, but this next episode is honestly the greatest episode of the show in all three seasons so far.

Ryan H

They didnt catch it.

Loki Marcus

And the reason why all might's punch didn't annihilate gran torino is because at the last second, he pulled his fist back, redirecting all the power back into his own face essentially. His body took in all the shock that he would have dished out with the punch, which is why you see him injured afterwards. But yes, his punch still knocked him out because his fist still hi him, he just took back all the shock.

Ryan H

Gran torino probably survived because All for one said he used a quirk called shock inversion so most of the damage was reflected back on almight.


Highlight link goes to One Punch.

Elle B.

I watch the highlights when I’m somewhere I can’t watch the full length, (like at work lol) and can’t wait to see y’all’s general reaction. Then when I have time I watch the full! I loved the rescue in this episode! The animation was excellent.

Jacob Klemann

Been following you guys on youtube for a couple of years, but finally decided to become a Patron specifically to see these reactions! Loving them and I'm so hype to see your reactions to the next episode. It is my favorite episode in the entire series.


Oh snap thanks for letting us know! I kept posting the MHA Reaction Highlights link but it kept re-directing back. Tested it out now, should be fixed. Appreciate you looking out!

Dragonlord Venrex

Personally, I've been enjoying these stream alongs. Please continue them. 😁


I watch the stream alongs, I love them


I love the stream alongs, it's a great way for me to rewatch the show again with someone else to enjoy it with!!


REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR FEEDBACK ON THIS, GUYS!! Really nice to know people still enjoy watching along. We enjoy making them, so just wanted to be sure they're still worthwhile :)


Good to know, thanks mate!! Hahaha I'm glad we were able to surprise you 😝 that juxtaposition of opinions was one of my biggest takeaways from this ep lol And yeah, love the way they warp his "I am here" line with Shigaraki and the fucked up, inverted mentor/mentee, father/son relationship they have going. Literally like Nega-Midoriya & Nega-All Might. I really liked Midoriya's thought process in this one. Enjoy it too when it's used for a lighter or more comical effect, but especially so when he actually comes up with a legit plan. SUPER thrilling. And yeah, loved that little nuance of choosing Kirishima to be the one to actually reach out. I hear the next episode's one of the best - nervous for what's to come!!


Oh snap haha. Well, we'll most likely be shooting that this afternoon, so we'll be sure to brace ourselves!! And glad you're still enjoying the stream-alongs! :)


Interesting! To me it sorta read like kick-back. Like the punch definitely landed, but the force of Gran Torino hurdling toward him sent his arm reeling back. But either way, definitely seems like the shock absorption jacked up his arm pretty good. Maybe I'll have to go back thru and scrub the moment again haha. Either way, glad Gran Torino's okay!! 😅


Good to know!! In some ways that's kind of the ideal scenario haha. But mostly just glad you're getting something out of both! And YES, the rescue was so rewarding, especially after all the buildup. Especially with the animation, they're so good drawing up the intensity. Some of the sequences in the next one.. holy shit..


Aw, thanks so much man!! That really means a lot! Really glad you're enjoying these :) actually just shot the next episode yesterday, so keep an eye out for that this coming weekend!!


Nice!! That's sorta what we were hoping. Watching together from the other side of the screen - kinda like Mystery Science Theater!

Jacob Klemann

Hyped! Hoped you guys liked the episode. Guess I'll find out for kyself when it goes up.