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Oh, man..  y'all weren't kidding!  ...I'm still a bit speechless from this episode.  😅

At long last, we turn our focus toward the Crain family's youngest daughter, Nell...  as well as the circumstances leading to her unfortunate fate back at the end of the first episode...

Grab yourself a box'a tissues & join meh!!!


(Plenty to react to in this episodes as well, so- Un-used Thumbs!!!)


Hill House 1x5


Jorge Luque

I love your interpretation of the end being about her grieving and reliving through those memories. It makes every action symbolic and hold more emotional weight. I took everything that happened at the house as things that actually occurred. She walked into Hill House and the house just started messing with her. I don't think Nell had any intent to actually kill herself. When Luke mentioned at the end of the last episode that Nell didn't commit suicide it's because of the "twin thing" and his ability to feel what she was feeling. His neck ache was from the hanging and his body feeling stiff was from her being dead. I think he knows what Nell's general mind state was in her final moments and it doesn't add up to a suicide to him. This episode is fantastic. The thing they sold to me the most was Nell and Arthur's relationship. At the end when she's in the house and sees Arthur it makes me feel a lot of emotions. For most of the house scene it looks like she's trying to process what she's seeing, but when she sees Arthur her face explodes into an emotional mess. He was the best thing that ever happened to her and she got him back for a brief moment. Sadly, it's the same moment that she dropped her guard and got walked into her own death. Really can't wait for next week, it's my favorite episode of the series.

Mikaela Decker

I like your interpretation better. When I first watched this episode, I understood it as Nell haunting herself. She always was and now will be the Bent Neck Lady. it is heartbreaking and chill to think about it. I interpreted her haunting herself as her own cracked up way of trying to warn her younger self of her eventual fate.

Evgeny Caruana

This episode was terrifying xD I loved your reaction man! I agree with your interpretation. This show has so much detail and character-wise it was on point. The twists and turns are really unpredictable in this show. By the way... did you notice any ghosts in the background? This show is full of ghost cameos xD


Aw, thanks man! Glad I'm not wildly off-base here haha. (I think this is actually one of my favorite episode-reviews, so that does mean a lot.) I LOVED Nell and Arthur. I know I'm only part-way right now, but I think their moments together are definitely going to wind up as series highlights for me. And I can get on board with you there - does seem like, whatever the nature, the house, itself, triggers these phenomena. Still sorta waiting to decide whether I'd say it's all "real," per se, but it does come across as though she's authentically experiencing all this, whatever the nature of it is. And I think I'd agree - I don't think she went in there with the intent of killing herself.. that whole moment is still sort of itching at my brain. On one hand, it almost feels like the house maneuvered her into the position and then gave her the push, but I can also see it as a sort of.. traumatic trance state? Or maybe they're the same thing haha.. And yeah, I thought the whole connection with Luke's neck, Nell's fate, and the Bent-Neck Lady was really nicely-handled. Alsooo, just shot the next one and HOLY SHIT!! Keep an eye out in a couple days haha - thus far this show just keeps on impressing me. Thanks as always for chiming in & watching along!!!


Aw, well thank you! Can think of no better adjectives for this than heartbreaking & chilling haha. And I think our theories can kinda work in unison - at least depending on how literally you want to take the haunting aspects (or.. I guess at least depending on how literally we're supposed to be taking them at this point?). At least from where I am right now, It seems like there's also something strange to do with time & space as it surrounds Hill House, so if she's to become a spirit of the house in the present, I can sort of see that as an inroad to it's actually being her haunting herself - or even trying to warn herself.. Or you could look at it as she's haunting herself in the way our minds haunt us in our attempts to process trauma.. Plus it's just cool that they've given us enough that we can really look at it from multiple angles. Really appreciate your feedback, dear! Thanks for watching with me!! :)


Thank you so much!! This one definitely got A LOT outta me haha - and I LOVE how much attention & TLC they've been putting into these characters & just that overall level of detail. Really glad you enjoyed the video! :) As for the background spirits, I keep meaning to watch out for them more, but thus far I've been so wrapped up in what's overtly going on (and making sure to pay close attention so these reviews go smoothly lol) that I feel like I probably haven't caught a ton of them... definitely an aspect I'm excited for upon an eventual revisit!

Katie Anne

The wide-eyed naivete in Nell’s face is in the child and adult version of her which creates that fragility in all of her facial expressions. As anyone watches her experience trauma, it is truly heartbreaking because it is so easy to feel her fall apart, moment to moment, piece by piece. There is so much purity in who she is and when that gentle kindness is damaged, it’s tremendously destructive to witness. Nell’s vulnerability is recognized by everyone, yet the intensity of it, is not something her family can endure by maintaining closeness with her. When she loses her mother, and the adorable kittens as a child, then her loving, adoring husband in her adult life, it is the last piece of the puzzle before she declines toward her end (since he’s the only one who truly listens to her, aside from Luke). What is so haunting, is Luke’s drawing of her in episode one as she appears to Steve and how “Bent-Neck Lady” was following her from the beginning, and the locket being an integral part of her demise. Every character is so beautifully illustrated as someone we all want to survive and succeed, and this is precisely why the tragedy is so difficult to digest when they fail and when they succumb to death. I’ve seen this show 3 times now, because I’m so enveloped in the lives of the characters and my true appreciation for great gothic storylines. What is positive, is your reactions are in synch with how I feel, every time I see each scene and your insights bring other perspectives that only make me enjoy this fascinating fictional world that much more. Lastly, there’s two really great sites that I found showing all the hidden ghosts and subtle messages that make a re-watch even more entertaining: https://www.vulture.com/2018/10/the-haunting-of-hill-house-hidden-ghosts.html https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a869649/haunting-of-hill-house-easter-eggs/


Hey, Katie!! Sorry it took me a little while to get here, but I really appreciate your patience! I LOVE your thoughts on Nell & all the different aspects of her characterization. I know I've said it a bunch, but this is one show I definitely wanna go back and revisit a few more times so I can really suss out all the finer details and nuances - needless to say I'm jealous you've been able to take the journey 3 different times, now! I think this episode matches her character really well, because it's also the warmest, most vulnerable-feeling episode of the season (to me). I'll never forget how warm I felt inside watching the scenes between her and her husband for the first time. Also love the show's grey take on ghosts/hauntings and how that ties in with the Bent-Neck Lady, herself. My heart broke constantly for adult Nell & young Nell, alike. Found it fascinating too, the idea that each of the kids would represent a different aspect of grief (with Nell being acceptance). Feels like there are so many ways you can look at and analyze this. Makes me really happy this tradition of filmmaking & storytelling isn't dead. Gotta love a proper gothic saga! Really glad to hear you're enjoying these stream-alongs as well :) this has got to be the densest show I've covered thus far, so I'm glad my reactions and insights aren't entirely off-base! 😅 Also THANK YOU for sending these links haha. I've been soooo curious to find all the hidden spectres n stuff. Gonna have some fun looking over these haha. Anyhow, I'll conclude this novel for the time-being. Thanks again for watchin' with me & I promise I'll do my best to respond quicker next time.

Katie Anne

Appreciate your thoughtful reply :) I had to contain my excitement and not burden you with commenting on every single one since it's so late in the game now lol However, I essentially agree and feel all the same feels, all the weepy moments, it's contagious! :p When I get a chance, I'm going to read the book, which may answer some questions and help fill in the gaps. -- When you go back and see all the hidden sprites, omg gives me chills, that and, any revisiting of Screaming Meemies O_O

Nikki Sonrisa

One thing that someone mentioned that I never noticed before during this episode: I always wondered why Nell got rid of her meds and it could be because they were stopping Luke from recovering and Nell intuitively knew this. I've rewatched the show a couple times now and after this time, I can really see it after that scene with Nell and Luke in the car (particularly after the way Luke looks at her purse when she goes to buy the drugs). I also remember that Luke says it takes him 10 years to get sober and Nell has been struggling with mental health her whole life so it would make sense that if she's always been off and on her meds (Steven mentions her anti-depressant phase), that would match up with Luke not being able to stay clean. Anyway, I was so excited to see you react to this episode and I was not disappointed. :)