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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/321807982/08791e311e


On the eve of The Promised Day, Ed shares an uneasy reunion with his father...  meanwhile Alphonse is still in the clutches of Pride and the other Homunculi...  Ambushes and action abound!!

Join me for another crazy-thrilling episode!!!


Un-used thumbs!!!


Fullmetal 47 STREAM ALONG


Jorge Luque

Grumman always has a plan and what you heard was his inner monologue. Miles is just perceptive enough to assume that Grumman has an ulterior motive. It just goes to show that everyone has different motivations and they dictate which side of this battle the person lands on. We can take Kimblee and Greed as examples of this. Neither character has a solidified allegiance with anyone yet Greed landed up with our heroes while Kimblee landed up on team Father. Lan Fan coming back was so damn rewarding. She's been gone for over 20 episodes at this point so it was great to see her back with a new arm. They will give a brief explanation about how she found him so don't worry about that. This fight is where Darius and Heinkel start to really earn their worth. It's great to see a scenario where they're arguably the most valuable people to have around. I agree that the dynamic between the chimeras, Ed, and Greed has been great. Darius and Heinkel are there mainly to disagree with Ed on everything and play it off as comedy. Ed definitely has reasons for not liking Hoenheim. This is the man who abandoned their mother and wasn't around when she got sick. That doesn't change how immature he's being though. Hoenheim has his reasons and Ed should let him explain. I'm glad that the chimeras were able to switch off of comedy and provide some level headed advice for Ed. Greed and Ling working together is gold. Love their dynamic lol

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:16:28 Ahhh, okay. I figured that was the intent there haha, the segue into Miles just threw me a little. That is a great point, though, about the motivations and allegiances. Makes it further fascinating the way some characters can be on one side up to a point, but once it crosses past the line of their motivations, all of a sudden it's not so simple.. Lan Fan was DEFINITELY a highlight for me this episode. Such a badass re-entry. Love the way they let characters disappear and re-appear over so much time & distance. And good to know re: the explanation haha. They're great at surprising me with characters on this show. Love how Darius & Heinkel have turned out - definitely coming in handy! And yeah, both the notes of comedy they add as well as a legitimate foil for Ed, in some respects, has been pretty rewarding. Feel like this show has a few different approaches to its humor, but I really like the dry, sorta character-based stuff they've got going with these two. And yeah, Ed's resentment of Hohenheim certainly makes sense - and is a good contrast from Al's reception of all this information. Needless to say I'm excited to see how GreeLing progresses now that they seem to be on-board for sharing the body & being a team haha. Counting down the minutes 'til I get to continue!!!
2019-03-12 00:54:50 Ahhh, okay. I figured that was the intent there haha, the segue into Miles just threw me a little. That is a great point, though, about the motivations and allegiances. Makes it further fascinating the way some characters can be on one side up to a point, but once it crosses past the line of their motivations, all of a sudden it's not so simple.. Lan Fan was DEFINITELY a highlight for me this episode. Such a badass re-entry. Love the way they let characters disappear and re-appear over so much time & distance. And good to know re: the explanation haha. They're great at surprising me with characters on this show. Love how Darius & Heinkel have turned out - definitely coming in handy! And yeah, both the notes of comedy they add as well as a legitimate foil for Ed, in some respects, has been pretty rewarding. Feel like this show has a few different approaches to its humor, but I really like the dry, sorta character-based stuff they've got going with these two. And yeah, Ed's resentment of Hohenheim certainly makes sense - and is a good contrast from Al's reception of all this information. Needless to say I'm excited to see how GreeLing progresses now that they seem to be on-board for sharing the body & being a team haha. Counting down the minutes 'til I get to continue!!!

Ahhh, okay. I figured that was the intent there haha, the segue into Miles just threw me a little. That is a great point, though, about the motivations and allegiances. Makes it further fascinating the way some characters can be on one side up to a point, but once it crosses past the line of their motivations, all of a sudden it's not so simple.. Lan Fan was DEFINITELY a highlight for me this episode. Such a badass re-entry. Love the way they let characters disappear and re-appear over so much time & distance. And good to know re: the explanation haha. They're great at surprising me with characters on this show. Love how Darius & Heinkel have turned out - definitely coming in handy! And yeah, both the notes of comedy they add as well as a legitimate foil for Ed, in some respects, has been pretty rewarding. Feel like this show has a few different approaches to its humor, but I really like the dry, sorta character-based stuff they've got going with these two. And yeah, Ed's resentment of Hohenheim certainly makes sense - and is a good contrast from Al's reception of all this information. Needless to say I'm excited to see how GreeLing progresses now that they seem to be on-board for sharing the body & being a team haha. Counting down the minutes 'til I get to continue!!!