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Got another terrific episode of Hill House for ya guys this week!

In fitting with the show's pseudo-anthological structure, we shift our focus this week toward the Crain clan's the troubled brother, Luke...

Join me, won't ya?


Got a whooooole lot'a reaction moments out of this one haha, so here are a few un-used thumbnails!!!


Hill House 1x4 - "The Twin Thing"


Jorge Luque

I'm glad you saw the next episode title before you ended the video lmao Nell is up next and I can't wait for that. There's a lot that I love about this particular episode. To me, this is the best episode of the series so far because of how nuanced the situations are. They're walking a tightrope trying to balance all of these perspectives on addiction and how it impacts the people around you. This was heavy from beginning to end and I have to credit the actor who played Luke for being able to convey those feelings and live in those moments. Steven has every right to feel the way he does toward Luke, but I appreciated the way they flipped his smug comment against him at the dinner table. Steven knows what it's like to be burned by an addict that he loves, but he doesn't know what it's like to walk in their shoes, and how unbelievably hard it is to make significant progress when they're trying to recover. His comment about insanity also serves as a great example of someone making a blanket statement about a situation without realizing that there's so much more to it. So many people want to explain away other's problems with a single sentence and it's rarely ever that simple. The end really stuck with me because as Luke is taking the steps it's like he intuitively knows that the guy with the cane is standing behind him. He doesn't need to look back, he just goes in the opposite direction. When they cut to him on the street corner he's doing his 7 steps back and forth, but once the guy with the cane is revealed behind him he just keeps walking straight. It also works as an allegory for his addiction. He's been dodging the man with the cane the same way he resisted temptation to use drugs again. I love that he keeps repeating that he didn't use drugs when he sees Steven. He understands how his situation looks and he's just begging for someone to believe him for once. The moment Luke finds out Nell died didn't play out the way most people would think. He was sad, but he looked more confused. When Steven told him suicide was the cause, you can see Luke putting everything together in his head. His body being cold, his limbs being stiff, and his neck hurting made sense now. There must've been some other feeling there that told him Nell really didn't kill herself. More on that in the next episode though!

Eric Horstman

This episode broke my heart. I cried the first five times I watched it and now again. I love how the show just wraps you up in story and character, without taking it over the top. You just come to care about these people in such a short time. Thank you for mentioning you can understand how Steven may feel. Shirley and Steven get a lot of hate from some viewers, but I totally get where they come from. We don’t actively get to see the many, many, many times they tried to help Luke, only to be fucked over again and again. I’ve been in both sides of the situation and either way everyone gets fucked lol Not sure if you noticed, but when Joey kissed Luke she palmed the $200. Keep up the great reactions and analysis! You should do this for a living lol Sooooooo excited for you to watch ep 5! It’s gonna blow your brains out!


Ohhhh, man... I was NOT prepared 😅😰 ..for this episode or the next one lol (just went up a few hours ago as I'm writing this). Yeah, I really loved this episode also. I feel like the first 2 really enthralled & impressed me, but I was loving it by 3, I think. I can only imagine the kind of prep that guy had to do to get into character. That whole ending moment really broke my heart, when they come to pick him up & break the news; that whole prism of emotions combined with the mysterious, withdrawal Luke is going through.. hits real hard when you find out why 😰 really liked that note. I also gotta imagine that's the first true hug he and Steven shared who knows how long? Finally for a minute all the other things are aside and they're just brothers again. Thought they played the conflicts in the earlier part of the episode pretty naturally also. The way the dinner gets awkward and their conversation in the kitchen. Seems like a strong element to Steven's character haha- speaking where he doesn't necessarily have the experience to. He could stand to be a bit more compassionate, but yeah, I can very much see where he's coming from. It's gotta be kinda fascinating from an acting standpoint to be playing multiple perspectives on some of the same events, with the way the show hops around in time & context. Really loved this episode, but oh boy, the next one.. They make a good pair. I'm still a bit.. curious about what Luke means about it's not being a suicide, but.. we can chat about that on the next episode's thread haha. Seriously though, so much love for this episode. Talk soon, bud!!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:16:32 Seriously!! It's weirdly inspiring to see something that's SO character-driven, but that's also legitimately chilling. Very satisfying when the drama is the horror - even makes the ghosts and haunting elements feel more authentic. Haha I can see how Steve & Shirl could get a lot'a crap from fans. And in ways, they could both stand to be a bit softer in some respects, but that's a tough boundary to draw and enabling is certainly a thing, so.. yeah, I get it 😅😰 Definitely helps to be able to see it from both sides. I've had a biiit of experience down that road (more-so on the support side), and even in those glimpses it seems evident that.. it's not simple or easy for anyone involved haha. And actually NO haha, I don't think I noticed she palmed the $200... I think I'd have wondered less if he was going to find her if I'd picked that up 😅 appreciate the detail! Next one just went up today and.. I'll just say that you're not wrong haha. Thanks for watchin' with me, man!!!
2019-03-12 02:28:26 Seriously!! It's weirdly inspiring to see something that's SO character-driven, but that's also legitimately chilling. Very satisfying when the drama is the horror - even makes the ghosts and haunting elements feel more authentic. Haha I can see how Steve & Shirl could get a lot'a crap from fans. And in ways, they could both stand to be a bit softer in some respects, but that's a tough boundary to draw and enabling is certainly a thing, so.. yeah, I get it 😅😰 Definitely helps to be able to see it from both sides. I've had a biiit of experience down that road (more-so on the support side), and even in those glimpses it seems evident that.. it's not simple or easy for anyone involved haha. And actually NO haha, I don't think I noticed she palmed the $200... I think I'd have wondered less if he was going to find her if I'd picked that up 😅 appreciate the detail! Next one just went up today and.. I'll just say that you're not wrong haha. Thanks for watchin' with me, man!!!

Seriously!! It's weirdly inspiring to see something that's SO character-driven, but that's also legitimately chilling. Very satisfying when the drama is the horror - even makes the ghosts and haunting elements feel more authentic. Haha I can see how Steve & Shirl could get a lot'a crap from fans. And in ways, they could both stand to be a bit softer in some respects, but that's a tough boundary to draw and enabling is certainly a thing, so.. yeah, I get it 😅😰 Definitely helps to be able to see it from both sides. I've had a biiit of experience down that road (more-so on the support side), and even in those glimpses it seems evident that.. it's not simple or easy for anyone involved haha. And actually NO haha, I don't think I noticed she palmed the $200... I think I'd have wondered less if he was going to find her if I'd picked that up 😅 appreciate the detail! Next one just went up today and.. I'll just say that you're not wrong haha. Thanks for watchin' with me, man!!!


For ever and ever I will appreciate Joey's speech at the dinner table. Everything else people have said is true but that speech said more than almost everything I've ever watched