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Howdy, peeps!

Got another rousing episode for ya!

We pick right back up from last time as Greed faces off with Wrath - meanwhile, May Chang runs into some difficulty on her return to Xing and Ed (along with Darius & Heinkel) strikes out in search of Al...

We also get a glimpse into the affairs of the Armstrong family, some quality time with Greed/Ling, and a pretty rousing reminder of who all's fighting for the good...

Join me for another exciting installment!!!


Aaand an un-used thumb!


FMAB 45 "The Promised Day"


Jorge Luque

I definitely have some thoughts on the Vic Mignogna situation. When I first started watching anime in 2011 the first thing I did was visit anime forums to talk to people. While I was scrolling through those forums there were topics about voice actors and whenever Vic's name came up you would get a couple of comments saying how creepy he was. When the news broke about him being inappropriate with fans, it wasn't breaking news. People in the anime community know that he can get touchy and it was only a matter of time before someone who didn't like it spoke up. With that said, I know there's a lot of other accusations coming his way that are unrelated to fans. I have no insight into those accusations so I think I'll wait until more evidence comes out before judging him. I hear people coming out against the companies who are firing Vic with no evidence, but they have no choice being that there are accusations coming from his coworkers as well. I was actually supposed to interview Vic at Anime NYC this past year but all of my press interviews fell through. Oh well, at least I got into the convention for free xD This is a cool episode that does a great job at prepping us for last leg of the series. All of our players are now aware of the situation at hand and they have time prepare before shit hits the fan. Let me make this very clear, when shit eventually hits the fan, it hits hard! The entire last act of this series is a frantic sprint to the finish that does not let up. Every story needs a payoff and FMA: Brotherhood's payoff is one of the best that anime has to offer. I don't think I need to sell this series to you now that you're 45 episodes in, but the climax to this show is so rewarding that i'm getting hype thinking about it. A quick note about Ling going back to the place where they fought Gluttony. Ling was turned into Greed almost immediately after him and Ed escaped Gluttony's stomach so that's the last place he physically traveled. I think it makes sense that it would be his first choice. The way the message was passed from person to person at the end was really cool. I loved seeing Izumi creep back into the story because she's such a cool character. The way Mustang read the message and then his eyes in the after credit moment gives me the impression that he knows what he has to do. He's been playing this long chess game that all of a sudden has an end date. I also find it great that they specifically mentioned the north and the east will make their move. That means it's Grumman's and Armstrong's men vs Central So much to be excited about. I also notice that you cheer whenever you see Miles LMAO

Elle B.

I finally got a chance to catch up this week, I had no idea about the Vic Mignogna accusations until watching this, wow. I looked up a couple of articles and reading the firsthand accounts from fans, specifically underage fans, had my skin crawling. Since I’m more of a casual watcher, I don’t keep up with voice actors outside of these shows. It’s disappointing and yet not surprising. I’m glad he has nothing to do with the original source (manga), because the FMA story is very dear to my heart. Depending on what comes out of this controversy, it’s highly likely I won’t support any future works he’s involved in. This episode gives me more The Great Escape vibes with the clever note passing! And greed is def my favorite homunculus.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:17:25 That's probably accurate haha, I love Miles! I'm just anticipating the point at which he gets an actual chance to be a badass. Was real bummed to hear the different allegations come out. I'm far less immersed in this side of the community, so I'm no expert on what's going on, but some of the accusations (especially between young fans and fellow voice actors) were pretty jarring. Obviously I have no idea what's true or not or what Funimation's investigation was like, but in these situations I tend to feel like if there's smoke - and a decent amount of it - there's gotta be some sort of fire. I never envy the people charged with figuring this stuff out. Seems like quite a lion's den. As for the episode, though, I definitely get the sense we're rounding into the home stretch. Especially with all this talk of the Day of Reckoning looming large and North & East preparing their moves.. I gotta believe that things are only gonna get more intense from here haha 😅but I'm excited to see how they handle it all. ...and nervous lol. And that's actually a helpful tidbit about Ling. I forgot that's the last place we'd have seen him in normal, human form. So especially if his soul is in there arguing with Greed & Greed seems to be experiencing flashbacks of his own, I can see why heading there would make a fair amount of sense. LOVED The message passing sequence - again it always tickles me when they can make things that aren't "action" just as tense and thrilling as the actual action sequences. And yeah, that whole domino effect and seeing it pass from all the different, disparate characters - really cool that Izumi got to kick that part off. And I loved that moment with Mustang just as a button on the episode. Definitely sends you off with a tough sense of resolve. I think it still hasn't quite registered to me yet that there are only a couple handfuls of episodes left to go haha.. Really does feel like we've been on a prolonged journey. Already looking forward to a second viewing!!
2019-02-23 19:33:43 That's probably accurate haha, I love Miles! I'm just anticipating the point at which he gets an actual chance to be a badass. Was real bummed to hear the different allegations come out. I'm far less immersed in this side of the community, so I'm no expert on what's going on, but some of the accusations (especially between young fans and fellow voice actors) were pretty jarring. Obviously I have no idea what's true or not or what Funimation's investigation was like, but in these situations I tend to feel like if there's smoke - and a decent amount of it - there's gotta be some sort of fire. I never envy the people charged with figuring this stuff out. Seems like quite a lion's den. As for the episode, though, I definitely get the sense we're rounding into the home stretch. Especially with all this talk of the Day of Reckoning looming large and North & East preparing their moves.. I gotta believe that things are only gonna get more intense from here haha 😅but I'm excited to see how they handle it all. ...and nervous lol. And that's actually a helpful tidbit about Ling. I forgot that's the last place we'd have seen him in normal, human form. So especially if his soul is in there arguing with Greed & Greed seems to be experiencing flashbacks of his own, I can see why heading there would make a fair amount of sense. LOVED The message passing sequence - again it always tickles me when they can make things that aren't "action" just as tense and thrilling as the actual action sequences. And yeah, that whole domino effect and seeing it pass from all the different, disparate characters - really cool that Izumi got to kick that part off. And I loved that moment with Mustang just as a button on the episode. Definitely sends you off with a tough sense of resolve. I think it still hasn't quite registered to me yet that there are only a couple handfuls of episodes left to go haha.. Really does feel like we've been on a prolonged journey. Already looking forward to a second viewing!!

That's probably accurate haha, I love Miles! I'm just anticipating the point at which he gets an actual chance to be a badass. Was real bummed to hear the different allegations come out. I'm far less immersed in this side of the community, so I'm no expert on what's going on, but some of the accusations (especially between young fans and fellow voice actors) were pretty jarring. Obviously I have no idea what's true or not or what Funimation's investigation was like, but in these situations I tend to feel like if there's smoke - and a decent amount of it - there's gotta be some sort of fire. I never envy the people charged with figuring this stuff out. Seems like quite a lion's den. As for the episode, though, I definitely get the sense we're rounding into the home stretch. Especially with all this talk of the Day of Reckoning looming large and North & East preparing their moves.. I gotta believe that things are only gonna get more intense from here haha 😅but I'm excited to see how they handle it all. ...and nervous lol. And that's actually a helpful tidbit about Ling. I forgot that's the last place we'd have seen him in normal, human form. So especially if his soul is in there arguing with Greed & Greed seems to be experiencing flashbacks of his own, I can see why heading there would make a fair amount of sense. LOVED The message passing sequence - again it always tickles me when they can make things that aren't "action" just as tense and thrilling as the actual action sequences. And yeah, that whole domino effect and seeing it pass from all the different, disparate characters - really cool that Izumi got to kick that part off. And I loved that moment with Mustang just as a button on the episode. Definitely sends you off with a tough sense of resolve. I think it still hasn't quite registered to me yet that there are only a couple handfuls of episodes left to go haha.. Really does feel like we've been on a prolonged journey. Already looking forward to a second viewing!!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:17:25 Eek! Sorry to be the one to break the news 😣was definitely bummed to hear/read about that. I'm kinda in the same boat as you when it comes to viewership. I feel like I'm usually most-compelled to research the people who make the music I like, but otherwise.. and yeah, these days I guess I'm rarely surprised anymore (beyond the initial shock that comes with who-it-is, specifically). Mostly I'm just sad to see the whole whirlwind and the nasty divide it's built among his fans. I have no idea what the truth is, but I always imagine that where there's smoke (especially a good amount of smoke), there's gotta be some sort of fire. But I guess some folks see it quite the opposite way. Either way - I am glad as well he's just a cog in the grand scheme of this story and not the source of it. That'd be way harder to handle, I think. As for the episode, I hadn't made that connection, but good call on the The Great Escape vibes! Loved the way that whole chunk of the episode played out. They're so good with the stakes of these situations - again, even just watching information make its way between our different characters is as thrilling as an action sequence. Really admire the way they're able to do that. And I can definitely see why with Greed! Very excited to see what dynamic things take on with Ed & the Chimera tagging along with him now haha
2019-02-23 20:01:04 Eek! Sorry to be the one to break the news 😣was definitely bummed to hear/read about that. I'm kinda in the same boat as you when it comes to viewership. I feel like I'm usually most-compelled to research the people who make the music I like, but otherwise.. and yeah, these days I guess I'm rarely surprised anymore (beyond the initial shock that comes with who-it-is, specifically). Mostly I'm just sad to see the whole whirlwind and the nasty divide it's built among his fans. I have no idea what the truth is, but I always imagine that where there's smoke (especially a good amount of smoke), there's gotta be some sort of fire. But I guess some folks see it quite the opposite way. Either way - I am glad as well he's just a cog in the grand scheme of this story and not the source of it. That'd be way harder to handle, I think. As for the episode, I hadn't made that connection, but good call on the The Great Escape vibes! Loved the way that whole chunk of the episode played out. They're so good with the stakes of these situations - again, even just watching information make its way between our different characters is as thrilling as an action sequence. Really admire the way they're able to do that. And I can definitely see why with Greed! Very excited to see what dynamic things take on with Ed & the Chimera tagging along with him now haha

Eek! Sorry to be the one to break the news 😣was definitely bummed to hear/read about that. I'm kinda in the same boat as you when it comes to viewership. I feel like I'm usually most-compelled to research the people who make the music I like, but otherwise.. and yeah, these days I guess I'm rarely surprised anymore (beyond the initial shock that comes with who-it-is, specifically). Mostly I'm just sad to see the whole whirlwind and the nasty divide it's built among his fans. I have no idea what the truth is, but I always imagine that where there's smoke (especially a good amount of smoke), there's gotta be some sort of fire. But I guess some folks see it quite the opposite way. Either way - I am glad as well he's just a cog in the grand scheme of this story and not the source of it. That'd be way harder to handle, I think. As for the episode, I hadn't made that connection, but good call on the The Great Escape vibes! Loved the way that whole chunk of the episode played out. They're so good with the stakes of these situations - again, even just watching information make its way between our different characters is as thrilling as an action sequence. Really admire the way they're able to do that. And I can definitely see why with Greed! Very excited to see what dynamic things take on with Ed & the Chimera tagging along with him now haha