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Thanks for your request, MIKAEL LINDÉN!!!

This one just went up on the YouTubes, but wanted to make sure y'all saw it here as well.

Excited to get some more of these discussions going!!!  :)


007 vs. Mission: Impossible - Mikael Lindén Podcast Request


Daniel Gallacher

Great discussions as always. :) I agree that it's going to be hard for them to continue Mission: Impossible without Tom Cruise in a few years. As for Bond, the writers are probably struggling to create an eccentric villain with a diabolical plan that doesn't feel too similar to real life.

Mikael Lindén

Thanx guys. Realy good Discussion.


Aw, thanks man! Really glad ya dug it :) Honestly, I think I'd be ready for a little break from the Missions once Tom Cruise hangs it up. Give us some time to miss it before entertaining the idea of bringing it back again. As for Bond, I have noooo idea at this moment haha. Part of me thinks it wouldn't be so bad to have a diabolical villain who kinda mirrors reality, because reality has become pretty absurd lately 😅but I dunno.. I'm mostly just bummed to see Danny Boyle go 😭


No problem, man! Really glad you enjoyed it :) Was nice to dive in and stretch our legs again on a longer-form topic, so really appreciate you requesting that! Where do you think Bond fits in these days?

Daniel Gallacher

Yeah, it would definitely be a good idea for them to take a break for at least a few years after Tom Cruise leaves the franchise. Although it was feels like the studios are always ready to jump straight back in with continuations of film series without fully figuring out the replacement ingredients that will help make it feel a bit different but still maintain the high quality. For Bond, they definitely have a lot of real-life scenarios to draw from for inspiration and the world has changed a lot in the last few years since Spectre came out so they could probably work some of that stuff into the script.


Yeah, seems like anything that's turning a profit wants to be expanded as long as it'll go these days, but at the very least it'd be nice for them to take some time away to let us miss the series again. Not sure how, but I feel like they'd have to redefine the series in some way. Or find somebody else who has that quintessential Tom Cruise-ness to fill the void haha. And it would be cool to see Bond respond to the times a little bit. Could be an interesting turn for him. I feel like the longevity of the Bond franchise is its gift and its curse haha. The track record may not be as solid, but that allows you to reinvent frequently which is handy.

Mikael Lindén

First of all, they have to update the view of women. Stop using sexist names and make them more like strong characters with depth. The time for stupid bimbos is over.


Definitely a good place to start! Would be cool to see them go with some sort of more-formidable femme fatale approach or something like that. Force Bond to rise to the occasion beyond his charms or somethin' like that.. 🤔