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"Strike Force"

- Introducing CAPTAIN NATHANIEL BARNES (Michael Chiklis)

- Theo runs for Mayor

- Penguin's mother is kidnapped

- The Strike Force assembles!

- Bruce meets Silver St. Cloud

- Edward snags a date with Ms. Kringle






Damn, I had forgotten what all was in this episode. And it has some good humor in it too. Butch in particular was hilarious. And the cop mouthing "what?!" after Nygma walked away had me cracking up. Edit: Yes, Silver St. Cloud is a comic book love interest. Mostly from the 70s and hasnt been used much since.


I will say, it is interesting re-watching these knowing whats coming. Like this episode, there are two story lines that I really only remembered the conclusion of. Your predictions at the end are always fascinating to compare. Keep up the good work!

Josh B.

As usual a great reaction to a great episode, I can somewhat see your problem with them foreshadowing the characters they eventually become, but I find it fun since we do know who they eventually become, and if I may bring up a little nitpick I have about you whenever the city is in trouble and the characters talk about it being in trouble you always bring up Batman, who we know will eventually protect the city so it kinda contradicts your statement, but like I said its a little nitpick I have I always enjoy your reactions I just wish you could upload them more frequently, do you think you could ever have a day to record a slew of episodes and keep them back logged for whenever you wanna upload them next?

Josh B.

Since my first comment is pretty long I'll put this little fun fact here, Cory Michael Smith the actor who portrays Edward Nygma actually dated Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones at one point, also another fun fact he recently came out as queer in his own words not mine, which I think is really cool that he was able to come out especially since he has gotten more recognized from Gotham.

Mikaela Decker

Silver is a romantic interest of Bruce Wayne...


Haha yeah, definitely appreciated the humor (intentional and not) this week. 😅 And appreciate you clarifying that - still got some deep cut knowledge up in the old noggin!! And I can't blame you. I bet this would be a show that's pretty fun and rewarding to go back and re-watch if you're into it. Now just gotta see how good I can get at predicting the show as it moves along lol


Hahaha I think understand where you're coming from with the nitpick. I think it's just easiest to joke about batman because even though it's not Batman's show... it's his world (beyond the context of the show) if that makes sense. To me it's a different thing when it's an actual hint they're putting directly into the text of the show as opposed to just a joke, but.. I can also see how it's a bit contradictory in theory lol. Not sure exactly when I'll be able to up the frequency of these, just because we have a 6-7 day shooting schedule already (that usually consists of several videos a day already), but we're hoping that in the future we can start upping production and getting, at very least, a backlog going. Right now we've been able to do that a bit, but mostly due to necessity as we've both had trips to account for this month. Definitely a goal for the New Year, though. And that's really cool about Cory Michael Smith! ...I suppose he could always have charmed her with awkwardness, but given that it's Emilia Clarke, I'm gonna guess I was right about his confidence level haha. Awesome, though, that he's come out and adding visibility for queer folks too. Thank for the info! :))


ok I know it's like week later but Cory never dated Emilia, he was her date to an Oscars party, there's a difference. He has a longtime boyfriend. Just wanted to clear that up :P