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Thanks for the question, ROSA PARRA!!!

Here's the full list to which our Lady Stark is referring to :) http://time.com/5454739/best-movies-2018/


If you guys haven't had a chance to ask us a question you'd like us to do a video response to, LEAVE YOUR QUESTION in the COMMENT BOXunder this link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/december-2018-q-23093982


Are Any Of Our Favorite Films On TIME'S Top 10 List?!



Interesting....my current top 10 list does differ from their list and miraculously I’ve seen 6 out of the 10 movies on their list. And yes! Bohemian Rhapsody is my favorite film of this year!! (For now).... well thanks for the video I was entertained.


Not bad!! We definitely gotta catch up to your moviegoing prowess haha. Been digging your capsule reviews on Instagram as well! Would definitely be interested to hear your list. ..or I guess I should say the *rest* of your list as I'm pretty sure I know at least one 😝 Either way, though, glad you enjoyed the video, my dear!! 😊