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Kickin' off the December Q&A by chewing on this little number from CRISTOPHER SIMEON!!!

(^^This reads very energetic lol.)

What do Y'ALL think??  Leave it in da boxXxXxXxXXXXXXXXXX


If you haven't had a chance to ask us a question yet you'd like us to make a video response for, FOLLOW THIS LINK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/december-2018-q-23093982

Leave your question in the comment box under that post!!!  :)) 

-----Got torn between the above Thumbnail Pose and this one haha.  Ultimately went for variety over 2 Wolverines, buuut this one's still fun 😝


Christopher Simeon Q&A


Christopher simeon

Thanks for responding. Your answers make a lot of sense. Introducing the X-men would be a world changing event. Introducing one mutant character is the key I think. I’ve heard of rumors that they may introduce Namor. Or they could have the X-men school origin story that follows a teen learning and developing powers for the first time. Maybe have him in Spider-Man far from home as a background character then he becomes important later on.


No problem! :) That could be interesting for sure. I think it's always gonna be a bit trickier to introduce them into the proper MCU, but if they did it the right way, it could change their film universe in a pretty interesting way. Mostly I think we both just want to see them take their time with it. So.. fingers crossed! haha

Ron Harrison

I can think of a couple of ways to do it. You could have an investigator for the police discovering person after person with missing portions of their memory. The investigator continues to follow leads until he finds someone who knows Charles Xavier. Then we could see what happens to the investigator, does Charles alter his memories too or does Charles trust him and this person learns that mutants have existed for some time but live around us in secrecy? Then the investigator could meet the X-men and discover they've had several adventures but that every trace of their existence was carefully erased by Charles to protect them from persecution.

Ron Harrison

The other way is for Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants to do a world domination plan and force Charles and the X-men into the spotlight. That's how I'd do it if I were writing it.


Not bad, man!! I like both of the approaches you've got here. Especially the idea that the X-Men have been around and that Xavier has been working diligently to conceal that fact. Could be an interesting angle to approach things from and a neat way to sort of fade the idea into the universe that exists already.. And I think it'd be kinda fascinating to tell the story through the eyes (or partly through the eyes) of a regular person - or a person who maybe seems regular until it's revealed they've got latent mutations/powers or something like that. Maybe that's why Charles might trust him. Actually kinda seems like, in a way, you could do both. The Brotherhood of Mutants plotline could be the Magneto story and the investigator plot could be a main element of the Xavier story. Either way, I like where your imagination's headed with this!

Ron Harrison

That's a good plot twist. Thanks. (:

Daniel Gallacher

A lot of really good answers. Perhaps another way they could introduce them is by using the Time Stone to partly reset the timeline in Avengers 4 so that the X-Men have now been around since the beginning, with the Power Stone possibly being used to create the initial mutations. Although, by doing it this way there is a danger of altering the plots of all the films that have come before.


Thanks, mate! Definitely an interesting idea you're onto. In a way, I could see it getting complicated with the continuity when going back to the previous films, but if you just look at it as a linear story moving forward, I think it could be cool. Dunno if I'd expect them to go in a direction like that, but I like the idea of leaning even more into those elements of sci-fi.