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SUPERNATURAL SATURDAY continues, people!!!

When Sam begins to experience strange visions, the Winchester boys must work to stop a mysterious force that appears to be targeting a specific family...

Join us for one of the most cinematic episodes to date!!!


Aaaaand here's the alternate thumbnail I almost went with lol.


Supernatural 14 NIGHTMARE



I love that they refer to Sam as the main character because he was WRITTEN that way, and the show was created with that in mind. I see how a lot of people view Dean as the main because he's the older brother, always telling Sam what to do and taking lead, etc, but every time John and Greg mention Dean as a supporting character it adds so much depth to the show and REALLY gets to me see it from a different perspective and to see new things and feel new things and 🤯


Great episode, and so it begins :)


I love this episode...that part with the knife poking the stepmom's tear still makes me cringe! Can't wait til next week!! ❤

Elle B.

Love this episode! The actor who plays Max broke my heart. Dean’s denial game is strong in this episode, but I like that we’re getting to see how he acts when he’s trying to protect Sam. You made a great point at the end of your discussion about how well they portray their characters through action. Rewatching this series I definitely am picking up on that much more.

brittany beyerle

ahaha i'm glad to hear that you guys seem to agree with me on the show hitting it's stride! this episode is a real jumping off point for some big show plots that continue for multiple seasons and they do it so well, i can't wait for you guys to watch the sweater unravel. :x also, you said it right! not an easy last name to pronounce. "buy-err-lee". it was cool hearing you guys acknowledge my comments and hi, greg! i'm sure we'll end up conversing at some point in the future. i'm a patronoject for the long haul. :]

Loki Marcus

This was a very strong episode! I cannot wait to see what you guys think for later seasons. Hell, even what happens later this season I can't wait for. It's like im experiencing this show all over again next to you guys.


Watching these with you guys is like Supernatural Riff Trax....haha. Love it!


Seriously!! One of the most effective iterations of that gag I think we've seen haha. Excited for more!!!


He does a terrific job!! We've come a long way since the old Goosebumps episodes haha. And yeah, it was cool to see Dean sorta struggle to keep things under control while Sam sorta begins to take the lead. Excited for the day when we can finally go back and rewatch some, ourselves!


Haha that was a good call! Already been consistently enjoying the show, but this felt like another step onto the next level. It gets harder and harder not to binge lol, but I'm excited to see which characters come back and what situations begin to develop, etc. It's been a while since I've had a new show to latch onto, so this has been pretty a pretty fun journey in that respect as well. And yesss!!! haha I'm glad we got it 😆Always appreciate you guys jumping in and commenting, so we try n pepper little nods to that into the videos. Really glad to have you with us & we'll look forward to chatting more in future!!


Aw, well we're glad to have you with us!! 😊 Seems like this would be a pretty fun show to go back and revisit - gotta be a lot of extra little details and beats. And likewise!! Really been enjoying how the show's been developing and I can only imagine what crazy things are gonna happen down the road. Just given the length of the series so far, alone, it seems like we've barely even scratched the tip of the iceberg haha.


Aw hahaha, glad you're digging it!! I'm definitely choosing to take this as a compliment haha.


I always shake my head when you guys call Dean the supporting character, he’s ALWAYS been the #1 reason why I love this show. Sam made me want to stop watching a couple of times lol Also Greg, you had me cracking up with the big reveal for this epi, you literally started flicking your own nipple for like a min 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha in the first couple episodes, I think Greg (at least) would definitely have agreed with you. I think the fairest assessment is they're both certainly the leads together. Just seems like Sam guides the bigger emotional story more (at least at this moment). Also LOOOOL this was definitely a next-level moment for nipple chills on this show. Had to really take in the moment 😂😂😂

Rue Surnameunimportant

Sam is absoluteeeely the main reason to love the show, but I adore Dean, too!