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Thanks for your question, ANISA OLIVA!!!

We dug a bit deeper for this one - hopefully there's a nugget or two worth taking and applying...  😅

What advice would y'all offer somebody unsure of their career path?!  Sound off in the comments, peeps!  All advice is welcome :)


Anisa Q&A


Anisa Oliva

Awww this was amazing as always. I took nothing from this video. Just kidding. Thank you truly so much for this I will take all of this and put it into my brain while I’m writing my goals list. Thank you for being such great human beings and just existing.

Eric Horstman

Great advice! Could’ve used you two 20 some years ago. Just to add my humble opinion, find your PASSION. What makes you happy? Don’t be like me and wait until you’re..ahem..40something and finally deciding to quit your stable, modest income job to do what you should’ve been doing all along! I’ve always had job jobs, just working for the paycheck and Friday’s. Every Monday is a “do I really have to do this again??” All my life I’ve always wanted to work with animals, but always afraid to leave financially secure employment to do it. Now it’s like I’m not getting any younger and I just need to throw caution to the wind and do something I’m going to actually look forward to getting out of bed each morning for. Don’t do it for a paycheck, do it for your soul (fuck I’m wordy, sorry)


Hahahahahaha that actually got me. Like... I read it in a very specific voice and.. laughed out loud. So well done. And you're welcome, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! 😊It's a lot of trial and error haha, but we'll do our best to keep on keepin' on 😝💙


Hey, no worries, man!! Really appreciate you bringing some of your experience to the table! No matter how long it took, it's really awesome to hear you just took the plunge and went for what you love. You have to one way or another, otherwise that part of your soul's gonna wither. And appreciate your kind words as well my friend :) Just trying to keep track of what we've learned from each trial and error haha.