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Forgive the hour, peeps!!

Just been a long day working on this sketch haha.  But anyhow, we move forward with the Elric Brothers as they head north for the infamous stronghold at Briggs Fortress!  ...meanwhile, the Crimson Alchemist, Kimblee, is in hot-pursuit of our buddy Scar.

Oh, and Major Armstrong has a super-badass sister!!

...join meeee!!


Aaaaand this was my alternate thumbnail!  lol


FMA Northern Wall Briggs 2


Elle B.

That train fight was excellent! And it makes me feel so bad for Scar that Kimblee got away from him even though he wounded him. The next episode is dedicated to Armstrong’s sister so you’ll definitely get to know more about her!


That was a solid episode. Mainly because of visuals and change of landscape rather than character writing or plot beats. I gotta say, the way FMA B depicts snow, snowstorms and just general wintery feel, I forgot how believable it was in anime sense. Like You can feel the harsh coldness from these shots and snow effects. I also liked that kimbley got impaled because he just got out of jail so hes rusty, like in a way its a cop out to just extent that conflict and stories use that trope a lot. But it was sorta justified because his physical shape compared to Scar, so thats pretty good. And Olivier gives strong screen presence and first impression, hopefully she is not one note. Another thing about quiet moments in anime, I think those are one of my fav character moments, just self reflecting and internalizing, especially in action shows like FMA B, since its a lot more rare and because of that a lot more effective if written well, it kinda paints characters in a more layered manner. Overall solid episode, while pretty basic the visuals alone and scenery change made up for that


Oh yeah!! And so intense - especially after that stare-down! Was actually surprised by the way that turned out. Definitely hoping Scar can teach Kimblee a proper lesson in the near future, though. Bummed he was able to slip away, but I thought the way they handled that was cool. And YEEESSSS hahaha I can't wait!!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:24:19 Definitely agree with you there - some of those snowy landscape shots are just beautiful! ...like I'd hang one up just as a print or something lol. Especially during the train fight and scenes like that, you really do feel that biting chill factor. Plus it's just cool that the artwork feels so tangible. Especially in the landscapes and stuff like that, you can really see the brush-strokes and things like that. Feels sorta hand-made. I'm with you as well on the Kimblee moment. I think I appreciated it in this context because I legit didn't see that coming? Like, for whatever reason, the pure-evil way they've drawn him, I just sorta assumed he'd hold his own pretty easily - so I think that's got something to do with it haha. As far as plot devices for drawing things out go, I appreciated this because, as you pointed out, it actually makes a lot of sense in context with the story. Plus it's a nice mini-catharsis to see Scar best him out the gate. (Although I'm sure that high won't last too long lol). Excited to meet Olivier - from what I understand she's not in the original series? I just love Major Armstrong, so I'm hoping I love her (in her own way) as well lol. She certainly comes across like a badass. And yeah, I feel like those quiet moments are often a breath of fresh air in a show like this. I like that kind of nuance, especially in a medium generally populated with a lot of intricate visuals and various kinds of external & internal monologuing. At least in these types of shows, it always seems kinda special when they're able to just let the direction and the art do the expressing. Definitely makes things feel more lived-in, which is all-the-more special in an animated setting. In my limited experience with the medium overall, I think those aspects are some of the things I appreciate most about this show.
2018-12-01 02:05:02 Definitely agree with you there - some of those snowy landscape shots are just beautiful! ...like I'd hang one up just as a print or something lol. Especially during the train fight and scenes like that, you really do feel that biting chill factor. Plus it's just cool that the artwork feels so tangible. Especially in the landscapes and stuff like that, you can really see the brush-strokes and things like that. Feels sorta hand-made. I'm with you as well on the Kimblee moment. I think I appreciated it in this context because I legit didn't see that coming? Like, for whatever reason, the pure-evil way they've drawn him, I just sorta assumed he'd hold his own pretty easily - so I think that's got something to do with it haha. As far as plot devices for drawing things out go, I appreciated this because, as you pointed out, it actually makes a lot of sense in context with the story. Plus it's a nice mini-catharsis to see Scar best him out the gate. (Although I'm sure that high won't last too long lol). Excited to meet Olivier - from what I understand she's not in the original series? I just love Major Armstrong, so I'm hoping I love her (in her own way) as well lol. She certainly comes across like a badass. And yeah, I feel like those quiet moments are often a breath of fresh air in a show like this. I like that kind of nuance, especially in a medium generally populated with a lot of intricate visuals and various kinds of external & internal monologuing. At least in these types of shows, it always seems kinda special when they're able to just let the direction and the art do the expressing. Definitely makes things feel more lived-in, which is all-the-more special in an animated setting. In my limited experience with the medium overall, I think those aspects are some of the things I appreciate most about this show.

Definitely agree with you there - some of those snowy landscape shots are just beautiful! ...like I'd hang one up just as a print or something lol. Especially during the train fight and scenes like that, you really do feel that biting chill factor. Plus it's just cool that the artwork feels so tangible. Especially in the landscapes and stuff like that, you can really see the brush-strokes and things like that. Feels sorta hand-made. I'm with you as well on the Kimblee moment. I think I appreciated it in this context because I legit didn't see that coming? Like, for whatever reason, the pure-evil way they've drawn him, I just sorta assumed he'd hold his own pretty easily - so I think that's got something to do with it haha. As far as plot devices for drawing things out go, I appreciated this because, as you pointed out, it actually makes a lot of sense in context with the story. Plus it's a nice mini-catharsis to see Scar best him out the gate. (Although I'm sure that high won't last too long lol). Excited to meet Olivier - from what I understand she's not in the original series? I just love Major Armstrong, so I'm hoping I love her (in her own way) as well lol. She certainly comes across like a badass. And yeah, I feel like those quiet moments are often a breath of fresh air in a show like this. I like that kind of nuance, especially in a medium generally populated with a lot of intricate visuals and various kinds of external & internal monologuing. At least in these types of shows, it always seems kinda special when they're able to just let the direction and the art do the expressing. Definitely makes things feel more lived-in, which is all-the-more special in an animated setting. In my limited experience with the medium overall, I think those aspects are some of the things I appreciate most about this show.