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Thanks for the question, Eric Horstman!

Full question reads as follows:

Kind of a 3 part question. Not sure if you’ve already been asked this, but what is one movie you think is deserving of a 100 % on Rotten Tomatoes, one that has a high % that should be lower and one that has a low % and should be higher. This could be critically or audience. If you’ve already answered than fuck you... kidding haha just skip 

What would be your guys' picks?!


Eric Horstman Question



Can't honestly say that I've ever looked at rotten tomatoes or anything so I'd need to research a bit I think lol, completely agree about Blair witch though, terrible movie all round in my personal opinion


Damn haha in this day and age, that's kinda impressive! It's fun to surf around and can be a useful tool depending on how you look at it. Basically just an aggregate of all the different movie reviews encapsulated and then transcribed into points values and percentages... for example, The Blair Witch project currently has an 87%... lol. So.. not off to a great start in light of your taste.. 😅😝


Ah fair enough, quite a valuable tool indeed then. Yeah I quite enjoy horror, I just came away from that movie very underwhelmed and disappointed due to the expectation I had given all the hype, but that's just me personally so if others enjoyed it, then great. 😁


It's all good haha, I feel ya. I think I like that movie more than either you or Greg do, but even so, it's not one I care to argue heavily on behalf of lol.