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"Everbody's Internship" 

It's time to catch up with the other characters in MHA...primarily Fropper lol


MY HERO ACADEMIA 2x19 "Everybody's Internship" REACTION


Ryan H

This was MHA's first anime original episode as in this the story with froppy never happen in the manga. They mentioned previously that most children develop their quirk by age 4 so imagine their born normal and over time change to look like what ever animal there parent have the qualities of. Also up to this point in the Anime we haven't received info on animals with quirks. The story takes place 4 generation after the discovery of quirks so I imagine beauty standards have vastly changed to accommodate people with quirks.


Interesting! Appreciate the info, man! ..and the refresher haha. That's an interesting point about the image/beauty standards also. And while it did feel a bit random, I found Froppy's adventure pretty charming overall. Certainly can't begrudge them coming up with some extra stuff for the show. Just maybe felt a bit random coming out of the Stain arc, but either way..

Loki Marcus

I personally liked this episode because it basically expands on one line from the manga. You'll freaking love the next episode!