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The Winchester Brothers must return to the house they grew up in when Sam suspects there's something "Supernatural" occurring with the family currently occupying the space!

This episode we both consider to be the BEST one since the Pilot :)



Supernatural 1x9 "Home"



Loved this episode! I'm crap at keeping spoilers so that is all lol


This episode was good but after this one the whole season gets better to the very end its one of my favorite seasons, but season 2 and 3 are for sure good and crazy at the same time😃


Supernatural Saturday is upon us once again, and this episode definitely does not disappoint! Awesome story, one of my favorite supplemental characters, Missouri, and some great looks into building the family dynamic. Not to mention, the great JDM himself! I love how you mentioned the great "scares" in this one (garbage disposal, kid in the fridge, etc). I know I've said it several times before, but watching it with you guys is fantastic. I love your commentaries. Hope you keep this show going. :D

Elle B.

Love this episode! Definitely in my top episodes from the series. I love the actress who plays Missouri, her line delivery was excellent. Gave me chills! And I think that emotional scene with Dean calling his dad was much needed. Shows he can be( and is) vulnerable.


Oooh, very glad to hear that - especially about the season, as a whole! This one was definitely our favorite, I think, since the first. Always love a proper mix of good & crazy haha. Glad you're watching along with us!!


Haha yessss! LOVED the addition of Missouri in this episode, definitely hoping to see more of her as the show goes on. I feel like we love the family stuff the most, so this definitely has me excited marching into the rest of the season - if nothing else for more with JDM!! Haha total tease with him in this episode, but very much appreciated it just the same. Also - that garbage disposal is still making my skin crawl lol. So glad you've been watching along and enjoying the show (again) with us. I don't see this one going away anytime soon haha, so expect Supernatural Saturdays until we're old & grey!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:26:25 Aw, nice!! I think this was easily our favorite since the pilot. Loved getting some further glimpses into the Winchesters and MISSOURI, YES!!! I really hope she pops up a fair amount more over the course of the show. Was nice to feel a little like the recurring cast is expanding a little bit. And definitely agree on that scene with Dean. I feel like we always wind up especially appreciating when he gets vulnerable haha. Always a nice break from the cool & calm, plus it seems like he's got the chops for it... Sensitive Dean ftw!! lol
2018-10-29 01:28:29 Aw, nice!! I think this was easily our favorite since the pilot. Loved getting some further glimpses into the Winchesters and MISSOURI, YES!!! I really hope she pops up a fair amount more over the course of the show. Was nice to feel a little like the recurring cast is expanding a little bit. And definitely agree on that scene with Dean. I feel like we always wind up especially appreciating when he gets vulnerable haha. Always a nice break from the cool & calm, plus it seems like he's got the chops for it... Sensitive Dean ftw!! lol

Aw, nice!! I think this was easily our favorite since the pilot. Loved getting some further glimpses into the Winchesters and MISSOURI, YES!!! I really hope she pops up a fair amount more over the course of the show. Was nice to feel a little like the recurring cast is expanding a little bit. And definitely agree on that scene with Dean. I feel like we always wind up especially appreciating when he gets vulnerable haha. Always a nice break from the cool & calm, plus it seems like he's got the chops for it... Sensitive Dean ftw!! lol


Woohoo!! Still eagerly anticipating when you two meet my two favorite characters of the entire show, but i don't think that will happen for a couple seasons, at least... Lol


Oh damn haha.. well, we'll certainly keep our eyes peeled! If we're nearing the time, you be sure to let us know!!

Jason Usher

great reaction, definitely one of my favorites of the season