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We're cresting into a new part of the season, peeps!!  Got a new OP/ED and everything!

Also - I touch on this in the video as well, but I decided to skip episode 27 since it's essentially one of those clip show episodes (kind of like the Hero Notebook episode at the top of MHA season 2).  Not a bad one and I did record a reaction, so if y'all REALLY wanna see it, I can put it up, but for now...  I thought we'd all like to keep the story going!

All the plot-threads from the past several episodes collide as the brothers confront the mysterious Father...  

Join me!!


FMAB: Father


Ryan H

I want to see 127's reaction especially the non-recap parts. For a recap episode its really good.


hahaha Homoncu-Ling, props my guy 👏. and yeah you're one if the few to skip 27, so more props lol. it is one of the better recaps though


Aw haha, thanks man!! I'll admit I was a bit proud of that one, so I'm thrilled that you appreciate it 😝 althooouuugh, I think I'll probably put together a little bonus upload this evening for the clip show, so... I'll accept a half-prop for that one lol

Elle B.

I think my favorite line from this episode is Scar’s “Your only solace from my wrath will be damnation!” And this is definitely a turning point in the story for his character! Excited for you to continue!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:26:47 Duuuude, SUCH a perfect combination of an intense & badass moment. I think Scar has been one of the most pleasant surprises in this show for me. Didn't predict he'd become a favorite character, but I'm starting to think he might. Can't wait for the next one!!!
2018-10-23 17:00:53 Duuuude, SUCH a perfect combination of an intense & badass moment. I think Scar has been one of the most pleasant surprises in this show for me. Didn't predict he'd become a favorite character, but I'm starting to think he might. Can't wait for the next one!!!

Duuuude, SUCH a perfect combination of an intense & badass moment. I think Scar has been one of the most pleasant surprises in this show for me. Didn't predict he'd become a favorite character, but I'm starting to think he might. Can't wait for the next one!!!

Jorge Luque

Scar's reaction to finding out about what happened to Ishval is one of my favorite moments in the series. This is also the introduction of Greed, which I am confident you will love more as the series goes on. This was a great episode to transition into the next phase of the anime. It's kinda crazy that we're almost half way through and we're still being introduced to new and compelling characters. The people from the opening credits that you don't know yet will continue that trend.


I'm so excited haha. Just the more episodes I see lately, the more I think to myself, "man... I really love this show" haha. And yeah, kinda crazy to think we're already so far into the story - but that also gives it a wonderful sort of thought-out quality. This was definitely a highlight episode for me as far as Scar is concerned. Never anticipated him becoming one of my favorite characters, but he's been growing on me like crazy lately. Pretty fascinated by Greed/Ling as well. Was not expecting that attitude haha, but I'm very intrigued to see more with him - and the other new characters as well! I've heard tell Armstrong has a wife who's pretty awesome...