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This was a fun one.  Thanks for your question, ELLE B.!!!

We lay out a few of our essential #NicPicks...  what are YOUR favorite Nic Flics?!  Leave 'em in the comments below and let's get our Cage on!!!


Elle B. Q&A - Nic Cage


Elle B.

Castor Troy is also my pick! And Con-Air shamelessly remains one of my favorite movies. Lol Also on a sidenote: I would totally support a movie watch-along on here of Shawshank Redemption or Forrest Gump!


Red Miller From Mandy!


The more I think about it, the more I really do love that performance haha. I always hesitate to say anything too soon, but.. I think it's stickin' with me.


Hahaha I'm sorry we didn't touch more on Con Air! And it seems as though I need to take a minute to catch up on Caster Troy sooner rather than later 😅 clearly a worthy choice! And good to know! Nosferatu turned out pretty fun. I can imagine a version of us doing something like that for Forrest Gump or maybe Shawshank.. I think the only hurdle we'd need to cross is being able to do those from the TV 😅 Gotta watch the essentials BIG!! <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" width="480"></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/ifc-lol-meme-l3vR7aXoQX0OdHi48" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">via GIPHY</a></p>