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Thanks for the request, Alex Gross!!!

Guys, go check out more vids from Space Taste - they're seriously fantastic! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUnpn_vOog3Qve5EzL2bug


Predator Is TROPHY HUNTING Ethical Sci fi Breakdown Space Taste REACTION



Fuck yeah!! Is being ethical even ethical? Lol. Lots of great points, as you guys say for instance about the similarities when it comes to hunting so called "lesser" or more "primitive" creatures. Screw being vegan though, I kill one creature to feed a family for weeks, they rip seedlings from their parents by the thousands just to cover one meal...barbarians. plus plants etc are pollinated with the help of bees and or other methods thus becoming an animal product by extension. So vegans are just fooling themselves. Don't agree with cruelty towards creatures (apart from humans) but killing to eat is natural for us as a species... in my opinion at least but we're all entitled to our own


Hahaha that's a fair question, but I suppose it would have to be? Although I guess we're always in discussion over what is ethical and what isn't so... in some sense perhaps who's to truly say? 😝 And I see where you're coming from. I've actually been having this debate with myself a fair amount recently - feeling like I ought to (or would perhaps feel better) decreasing or cutting out my meat intake. I feel like I mostly eat chicken these days, but even so. Hadn't thought about plantlife that way haha, the stuff you pointed out with the bees helping to technically make them "animal products." I don't think I'd go so far as to cut out things like cheese, but... I'm chewing on the idea. I never know which side to fall on, I think, partly because the game has changed so much with rise of societies and mechanization and all that. There's still that sorta line for me between the concept of going out and catching a creature to bring back to your family vs. buying a portion of one that was raised in a (likely) too-small box. Haha here's an ethical debate for ya. Appreciate your feedback, though mate! One chef to another haha.