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Happy Tuesday, Peeps!!

I'll defer to you guys for the ultimate verdict, but according to Netflix, this episode marks the END of what they're calling "Part 2" and what Google is calling "Season 1!"  Makin' progress!!!

Either way, this episode does feel like a transition into the next phase of the series...

Will Ed & Ling finally escape Gluttony's hell-portal?!  Meanwhile Scar & Mei Chang track Al & Gluttony as Führer Bradley reveals some pretty sinister info to Mustang...

Join me!!


FMA:B -- "Reunion"



Not quite caught up yet so will watch this anon :)


AFAIK this is the end of S2, and usually seasons close with ending songs in the actual show . And I agree , I like that too, it kinda marks a chapter closed for shows. As far as this ep, I did like it a lot more than previous one, I think it flowed better and 3 plotlines were done in a less chaotic manner. Also I completely forgot about Bradley origin, that was a nice surprise. And for envy, I liked the actual design, with multiple people and their screaming in agony, its just that CGI is not great , lol. Especially for a show that has such high production values . I think the biggest issue again was with envy, more to the fact how docile and understanding it was , when earlier it swallowed Ed. IDK, it kinda lost its intimidating presense , but I guess that par for this character? And I like the baby panda, I think its cute and sweet in vacuum and it brings levity to the show. But IDK , its just weird to me having that thing thats very slapstic cartoon.


Ahhh okay, good to know. Just trying to figure out whether I should start numbering them differently (jump to, like, 301(?) for the next one or something) or just keep on keepin' on and call the next one 127 haha. That stuff aside, though, it does make a nice contrast as I feel like there's usually a beat of silence or just a straight cut to the credits. Having that little musical segue does sorta make it feel like the completion of something. Glad this one was more your speed! That Bradley origin is quite unsettling haha, and all the more when you remember he's delivering it to Mustang 😰 I tend to let the CG go a bit more in things like a Futurama or Rick & Morty episode, but I definitely feel ya in regards to a show like this. I guess I'm a bit surprised by the choice, just because I feel like they've drawn some pretty crazy creatures & sequences in the past - doesn't seem like they wouldn't be capable of drawn-animating a creature like that, but I admit I don't know much about that side of the animation world. Especially appreciated the concept of Envy's creature form in this episode - I like that they kinda got into it with the nature of the spirits and psychological effects on Ed. I can see where you're coming from with Envy in the character sense, though. Seems a bit odd that Envy is down to listen when Ed finally cracks it, although I think some of the moments during the fight in the forest (just before they get swallowed) kind of softened that for me - that stuff where Envy's basically like, "nah, we can't kill you right now, so we're just supposed to kinda... let you be for a while.." As dastardly as Envy is, something struck me as oddly zen about that, so I guess to me it didn't seem completely out of character, but I do agree it kinda muddies some of the intimidation factor... especially after Envy was just devouring him.. 😅 I feel like the jury's still out for me on Xiao Mei haha. Definitely adorable and thus far, I don't feel like they've used her particularly inappropriately, but at the same time, I can definitely see the contrast because.. there's just so little in this show that exists consistently on that level of cuteness/whimsy. I have a feeling we'll see more of her in the next chapter, though, so perhaps I'll have a more solid read in an episode or two.. but yeah, for now haha, jury's still out.

Jorge Luque

The last scene with Ed busting through the door screaming at Al's body always gets me. He's so determined to get Al's body back and now for the first time he's seen that it's actually still there.


I think you should just do what you always done with naming episodes . I think it just might be easier for most people to watch along. As far as Envy CGI stuff, I only know the basic stuff when it comes to production and animation. But from what I understand , creatures like envy, that are big and super detailed and have elaborate action set pieces, its super time and money consuming to do it hand drawn or just more traditional non cgi. And because this is still a TV series , there are limitations on resources . It's why most modern mecha shows do robots in CGI too, only few do in traditional animation. I think only full length anime films that get theatrical releases go fully hand drawn for everything , duo to 2h length and resources given. Also my complain about baby panda , is kinda non issue, when you consider this is aimed at kids and pre teens, lol and its a mainstream show that goes for widest reach. I also think that influences antagonist like Envy, characterizations . But im just guessing


Seriously!! Especially realizing that's meant to cap off season 2 (or part 2, however it's classified haha). It's like a shred of hope, but also kinda heart-wrenching all at the same time.


That makes sense, appreciate the feedback, mate! For now I'll just keep truckin' with the "1xx" format. Kinda feels like one big series anyhow - at least moreso than anything else I've watched that wasn't a mini-series haha. And that makes a lot of sense. I guess it's ultimately kinda the same reason people turn to CGI vs. a particularly elaborate puppet or makeup effect in a live-action movie. Kinda bummed to hear the mech shows are mostly CG (for the mechs) now, although to be fair I'd have to take a look as I can imagine the blend being slightly different for machinery. Still, though, growing up with Gundam Wing and some of those animations, I'm sad to hear they've waned in recent years. And I feel ya haha. With this show, especially, I find it easy to forget who this show is pitched at - or at very least has in mind in terms of accessibility. I guess it pays to temper some of that gruesome imagery and subtext with some overt cuteness. I can see that affecting their approach to Envy as well - makes me wonder if that stuff transpires the same in the manga.. Just because with some of the places they go in the subtext, I'd be kind of surprised if they chose to make Envy a bit less challenging for wider appeal, but... at the same time, who knows? haha


I was never a mecha fan, but the most recent ones I watched. Gundam Thunderbolt and Iron blooded orphans, have barely any cgi for robots. It's one of the reasons I decided to watch. As for fma b tone. I can guarantee you that Manga is more gruesome and explicit, just from what I heard and read similar mangas that been adapted to tv shows. I guess since it's only one creator doing work, there's less restrictions and risks to appeal to kids and of course being black on white helps, I guess for allowing more fucked up stuff to show. Lol

Ryan H

FMA:B technically doesn't have seasons the entire series was aired in 1 big chunk with no breaks. I think the reason it is separated in to 5 parts because that's how the dvd/blurays were originally released.


Aaand I'm all caught up 😁 will hold off now till you cover the next episode


Ahhhhh, okay. This makes a lot of sense. Haha perhaps I'll just keep numbering it the way I've been, then. Maybe drop the 1 at some point, but.. either way appreciate you clearing that up! 😊


Yay 😁 got your package through today too :)


Oh damn.. I hadn't realized there was new Gundam (...or a more recent Gundam). And for whatever reason, Iron Blooded Orphans makes me think of Game of Thrones lol, but some of the images I'm googling look pretty cool! It's been ages since I've actually watched a mech show. Curious about how I'd feel now haha - perhaps I'll give these a look at some point. Those hand-drawn robots can be pretty spectacular. And I suppose that would make sense. Seems like a lot less risk would go into a manga. I've yet to ever really read one, but shows like this are definitely getting me curious. Always find it fascinating to note the different nuances and see how things shift and change from one medium to the next.


Also just struck me that manga adaptations must be.. oddly more satisfying, in a way? Because the characters and everything actually match the source material when transferring over a lot moreso than a traditional book.. just a thought haha


Very much thank you

Elle B.

I haven’t commented in few eps, but I promise I’m watching along! Keep up the good work John!


No worries!! Just nice to know that you've been watching 😊 ...after all, this series was your idea!! 😉

Elle B.

Ed busting back through the doors at the end is one of my favorite moments of the series! Brotherly bonds give me all the emotions!


Ahh, that's such a good moment!! Had the perfect mix of like.. melancholy, desperation, and hope. And to see Al so wizened with that mane! Really terrific last moment for that chunk of the series.