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Thanks for your question, LOHIT BANERJEE!!!

Keeping in the Halloween spirit, we muse about what kinds of horror films we'd like to act in... and which genre of horror we'd consider *living* in...  What are you guys' picks?!


ALSO!  If you have yet to post a question that you'd like us to do a video response to, follow the link right here!

Leave your question in the comment box and look for the heart to know when we've covered yours!!  :))





I've always thought I strongly disliked found-footage movies until I saw The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfiled, and Quarantine, all within this year, and I surprisingly enjoyed myself. My primary issue lies in the limitation of cinematography (which still bothered me here) but it was still an engaging experience. As far as acting in one, I think the horror genre, in general, is a whole lotta fun. Living in a real-life scenario is an entirely different situation. I've got me a sensitive tummy, so the heightened stress would mean some serious bowel issues.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:27:38 Nooo, well then let's keep this comfy and fictional for the moment 😊 but those are definitely some good films to jump in with! Quarantine's very close to its original, so even though I didn't quite appreciate it as much as REC, it's still a solid flick. And I'll never forget when Cloverfield was coming out haha. Kinda wish I'd at least shouted it out in this video. V/H/S and V/H/S/2 have some pretty cool segments, some of which kinda help with the limitations because they're short and have some interesting twists & caveats to help them along. But yeah haha, generally speaking it looks like a blast acting in horror. It's certainly fun to play monsters in haunted houses, so if that's any indication...
2018-10-15 17:52:30 Nooo, well then let's keep this comfy and fictional for the moment 😊 but those are definitely some good films to jump in with! Quarantine's very close to its original, so even though I didn't quite appreciate it as much as REC, it's still a solid flick. And I'll never forget when Cloverfield was coming out haha. Kinda wish I'd at least shouted it out in this video. V/H/S and V/H/S/2 have some pretty cool segments, some of which kinda help with the limitations because they're short and have some interesting twists & caveats to help them along. But yeah haha, generally speaking it looks like a blast acting in horror. It's certainly fun to play monsters in haunted houses, so if that's any indication...

Nooo, well then let's keep this comfy and fictional for the moment 😊 but those are definitely some good films to jump in with! Quarantine's very close to its original, so even though I didn't quite appreciate it as much as REC, it's still a solid flick. And I'll never forget when Cloverfield was coming out haha. Kinda wish I'd at least shouted it out in this video. V/H/S and V/H/S/2 have some pretty cool segments, some of which kinda help with the limitations because they're short and have some interesting twists & caveats to help them along. But yeah haha, generally speaking it looks like a blast acting in horror. It's certainly fun to play monsters in haunted houses, so if that's any indication...


That sounds like one of the coolest jobs. I hope you get around to doing it again, especially because you had such a blast.