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"The Fearsome Dr. Crane"

- The doctor obsessed with fear is introduced into the Gotham universe!

- Maroni suspects Penguin to be a traitor

- Jim doesn't know how to date

- Harvey also doesn't know how to date

- Mooney is on a boat

- No Barbara!

- this description could've been more interesting



Gotham 1x14



Nothing wrong with a bit of cringe :P


I know you haven’t been too keen on how the female characters have been handled, but I have to say, I quite enjoy how Commissioner Essen runs the GCPD. She’s the only one, outside of Bullock, who consistently has Gordon’s back. You can clearly tell she’s a woman of integrity and therefore responds positively to those who uphold this virtue, however difficult of a position it puts her in. (Bless her heart. Gordon sure doesn’t make it easy for her.) Even though the department is riddled with corruption, it’s comforting to know its leader’s moral compass is sound. On a similar vein, I appreciate Essen and Gordon’s respectful treatment of Nygma, when practically everyone else ridicules the poor guy for his overt social awkwardness. It makes the dynamic all the more interesting once he turns to that inevitable life of villainy.


You know, you do make a good point about Essen. Even though in the beginning she wasn't trying to do the right thing all that often, you can tell she's really a good person and just trying to keep people alive. So appreciate your insight there, my bud.