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Y'all really had me going on this one...  😉

We pick up where the last episode left off - with Ed & Armstrong bound for Resembool...

What will happen in the wake of Lt. Ross's untimely dispatch?!

...join meeeee!


FMA 18


Ryan H

Great reaction! FMA:B's definitely one of my favorites series. Do you guys have a P.O. box?

Elle B.

It was reaaally hard not to spoil it for you! Lol but your reaction was worth it! I love it when shows can pull a fast one on its audience. I like how this show kind of let’s viewers figure things out for themselves. The next episode is one of my favorites!


Hahahah. I assumed you gonna like that none of us spoiled anything, lol. And yeah that was a good reveal episode with just plotlines converging. And really good direction too, a lot of dramatic shots and lighting . And yeah, Mustang is pretty darn smart and level headed. And I agree with you about Barry , he's more likeable but I think that was the intention because of how much screen time he is given recently . Overall real solid ep


Thanks, man!! I can definitely see why, really happy I started watching!! And no P.O. Box as of yet, but there are ways to get things to us if necessary.


Haha, well you did a pretty great job of it! Didn't have even the faintest inkling this was how the episode was going to unfold. Y'all's comments combined with the well-charred body in the last episode really solidified that mislead, I think. Feels like the show definitely gives you credit for paying attention and receptive to the themes. Feels like this show just gets better and better, so I can't wait to check out the next one!!


Honestly, it kinda made my day haha. Not even a hint that the events of the previous episode weren't solid - y'all misled me beautifully! Haha seriously, good lookin' out! Definitely gave me the opposite view on Mustang from the last episode. And yeah, that convergence of all the major plotlines gave this one a nice sense of scope and immediacy. Loved all the stuff out in the desert. And I won't hold my breath for him to be a full-on regular or anything, but I've definitely been enjoying the addition of likable Barry. Even the "good guys" are a bit grey, it would seem. Depending on the scenario. Anyhow, thanks again for playing along!! Excited to get to the next one!!