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Thanks for your question, JASON DOLAN!!!

What was y'all's first foreign language film?!?!


Dolan Q&A



Mine was Passion of the Christ.

Keyboard Junkie

For me, my first experience with a movie was a foreign film. The first film I can remember seeing was Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. I remember watching it with me dad and just being in awe of it. I begged my dad to let me see more samurai movies after that and eventually fell in love with Asian cinema. Then my dad made me watch Star Wars and my childhood was complete, lol.

Ron Harrison

The dubbed or subtitled Godzilla films and Bruce Lee movies. I was so young I couldn't appreciate quieter foreign films yet.


My parents are Nigerian, so most of the movies they watch are films from them in the yoruba language. Nigeria produces thousands of movies a year tho so quality is rare. First foreign language film that left an impression for me was mel gibson's passion of the christ.


Nice!! There's something really magical about that film. Even as a kid & too young to fully appreciate it, I remember being pretty taken by it. Awesome that that carried over into a vested interest in Asian cinema overall! Sound like you got your pops fed your Cinema and your Cinemplex sides pretty equally haha


Nice! You're like a combo of us both haha, I know I rented more than a few old Godzilla flicks when I was little (are you excited for the new one?) and I'm pretty sure Greg grew up on a lot of Bruce Lee. Not sure when I became more receptive to the sophisticated stuff, but for whatever reason Seven Samurai held my attention even at that age haha, so it must've been extra special.


Funny haha, a friend was just telling me a bit about Nigerian cinema! I should look up some trailers. Did you see a lot of those flicks growing up? And I can definitely see Passion of the Christ leaving a big impact at whatever age. Especially if you grew up in a religious house.


Yeah, I mostly watched nigerian films when i was a kid. Most nigerian films a few years ago were direct to dvd. Hundreds of films are produced by week, so as you can imagine, finding a quality film was pretty rare. In nigerian cinemas, they mostly play american or chinese films. Nowadays, producers upload their films on youtube for free. I assume tha make a profit because a lot of films are uploaded by week and their target audience knows where to find them


Damn... I'd be curious to see those numbers. They gotta be making something I'd imagine.. Is there a prevalent genre? Given the low budgets and all that, I gotta imagine it tends to be more grounded stuff... interesting about the cinemas as well. When did you start branching out into other countries' movies n stuff like that?


(Sorry for 2week delay. School has been crazy) Since so many films are released per week, studios have to crank out a lot of films to gain attention and to make a profit. Recently, some Nigerian films are getting better in quality, even a few of them screening at TIFF. For most Nigerian films, the 2 most important genres are comedy and drama. Sometimes, supernatural stories(the effects aren't great), and more have been trying action films(even worse effects) There isn't really any big studios, so for independent productions, cars used usually belong to those involved in the production, so they obviously won't destroy them. I'm been living in Canada most my life. While I prefer north american productions, my parents are other relatives choose to enjoy films from home more.