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Thanks for the question, MIGUEL VENEGAS!!!

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Our Tips On How To Improve Live Adaptations of Anime!!!



Thanks guys! I appreciate your comments. Can’t wait for you to continue watching more anime series.

Loki Marcus

I believe that the most important thing if a screenwriter is gonna write an anime adaptation. They should break their films into specific arcs first. And then they should look at the arc in the anime and ask themselves: what major things happen? Where do the characters start out? Where do they end up? And what themes are in place? Once they have all that info they should take all of it and build it back up in a 2 hour film. Of course there are some exceptions here and there but i believe that that is your best bet for an adaptation that can be faithful, as well as a different experience within the restrictions of a film.


No problem, man!! Appreciate your question! :) Excited to continue watching as well!! I feel like our answer to this question will keep evolving the more we see haha.


That sounds like a reasonable approach. Definitely seems like you'd want to make sure you have all the major, most important details organized and in-mind when writing these things so you can stay true to the themes & spirit of the source material. I'd be fascinated to see what some of those meetings are like that wind leading to film adaptations such as Ghost in the Shell. What they deem as the major themes and details and which ones they're not as concerned about.. I feel like that's where the main issues come in is with themes and stuff, 'cause they're usually pretty good about translating the look and all that.

Ron Harrison

I would like for there to be a certain production company that specializes in live action anime adaptations. Similar to Pixar or Marvel Studios. Anime movies are tricky because some of the themes in them are specific to Asian culture. If you tweak it too much, you could lose essential qualities in the film. Anime films should be adapted with great care and have a passion project vibe to them. I wouldn't be opposed to a live action adaptation having English subtitles. Budgeting the cost of the movie is crucial too. If it takes place at a school, it can be done for lower cost. But if we're talking adapting Akira, that's a major undertaking and it better look good.

thereelrejects (edited)

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2021-07-15 05:31:19 Now that could be a cool solution. Maybe even if one or a few of the more prolific producers of anime took the plunge and started up some sort of live action/crossover studio. Kinda get the ball rolling the proper way... could actually be pretty incredible! That's a good point as well about the cultural aspect. Could probably teach us a thing or two about handling the themes & all that. Just maybe start with something a bit more contained and *then* movie on to Akira 😅
2018-08-20 19:18:12 Now that could be a cool solution. Maybe even if one or a few of the more prolific producers of anime took the plunge and started up some sort of live action/crossover studio. Kinda get the ball rolling the proper way... could actually be pretty incredible! That's a good point as well about the cultural aspect. Could probably teach us a thing or two about handling the themes & all that. Just maybe start with something a bit more contained and *then* movie on to Akira 😅

Now that could be a cool solution. Maybe even if one or a few of the more prolific producers of anime took the plunge and started up some sort of live action/crossover studio. Kinda get the ball rolling the proper way... could actually be pretty incredible! That's a good point as well about the cultural aspect. Could probably teach us a thing or two about handling the themes & all that. Just maybe start with something a bit more contained and *then* movie on to Akira 😅


One problem I see is that studios are too focused on franchises. Put all your effort into making one good, and focus on sequels later if it is successful. For one, the dragonball movie was bad because the screenwriter admitted that he only did it for the check. You need people who love the material. Now, Ghost in the Shell is, in my opinion, the most faithful adaptation of an anime from Hollywood, but it copied and pasted from the original, and not as well. Some of their changes didn't work. Death Note, the Netflix version, I feel it would have been better with original characters, but they took the names of the original characters and changed them way too much to be recognized. I think for these adaptation, they should look into doing original adventures that the original didn't do. If they attempt to adapt story line, a legion of fans were harass the filmmakers for not doing it as well as the original. That's something I appreciated about the netflix Death Note.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:31:19 Definitely agree with you here. So often we find ourselves wishing studios wouldn't get so ahead of themselves trying to force universes and build in franchises when you can tell they didn't focus that much on the initial film which is the key to the whole thing. And passion is a good point as well - you need creatives who understand and appreciate the essence of the property so that, even when they're adapting things and making alterations, there's a better chance those things will be fitting. I also like the idea of taking the subject matter and forming a new adventure around it. I feel like they've tried to do that a handful of times with videogame movies, but there's usually so much other stuff they're missing that that just becomes another problem, but again, if you've got creatives who know the material well, that could actually be pretty awesome for the movie as it could have a chance to make a film adaptation more essential. Also appreciate your thoughts on Ghost in the Shell & Death Note. Not sure if/when we'd get around to watching them haha, so that's good to know!
2018-08-26 22:18:03 Definitely agree with you here. So often we find ourselves wishing studios wouldn't get so ahead of themselves trying to force universes and build in franchises when you can tell they didn't focus that much on the initial film which is the key to the whole thing. And passion is a good point as well - you need creatives who understand and appreciate the essence of the property so that, even when they're adapting things and making alterations, there's a better chance those things will be fitting. I also like the idea of taking the subject matter and forming a new adventure around it. I feel like they've tried to do that a handful of times with videogame movies, but there's usually so much other stuff they're missing that that just becomes another problem, but again, if you've got creatives who know the material well, that could actually be pretty awesome for the movie as it could have a chance to make a film adaptation more essential. Also appreciate your thoughts on Ghost in the Shell & Death Note. Not sure if/when we'd get around to watching them haha, so that's good to know!

Definitely agree with you here. So often we find ourselves wishing studios wouldn't get so ahead of themselves trying to force universes and build in franchises when you can tell they didn't focus that much on the initial film which is the key to the whole thing. And passion is a good point as well - you need creatives who understand and appreciate the essence of the property so that, even when they're adapting things and making alterations, there's a better chance those things will be fitting. I also like the idea of taking the subject matter and forming a new adventure around it. I feel like they've tried to do that a handful of times with videogame movies, but there's usually so much other stuff they're missing that that just becomes another problem, but again, if you've got creatives who know the material well, that could actually be pretty awesome for the movie as it could have a chance to make a film adaptation more essential. Also appreciate your thoughts on Ghost in the Shell & Death Note. Not sure if/when we'd get around to watching them haha, so that's good to know!