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Pretty emotional episode, Patron-O-Jects!

Also HUGE thank you's to Mr. Jason Dolan - y'all probably saw Greg's video a couple days back, but I couldn't resist the urge to say a few things as well, so if you happen to be watching - THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!!!

And a huge thanks as well to all of you guys, just for being here in whatever way that you are.  We owe so much to you guys and we're truly blessed to have folks like you in our lives.  😌

Anyway...  here's Wonderwall!




Elle B.

Thanks for the shoutout! This episode is a tearjerker for sure. That shot near the beginning that lingers on the phone booth to remind you of what happened is so good! The next three episodes have a fantastic story arc so hold on to your figurative hat! And I’m not an expert, so someone else can chime in if I’m wrong, but each time there’s a new song opening it marks a new part or chapter. The wikipedia page goes more in depth on it with the number of episodes in each “part”, etc.


That was a really good episode . It was somber and how everyone spoke and carried themselves was real good. The nuanced pauses when it came to dialgoue and just lakc of music during these moments emphasized the loss and just overall more moody atmosphere. The highlight tho was Eds realization about Hughes and just the looks on his face , you literally can see how his mental outlook changes just based on it. It is pretty common in anime , but i like it lol. And yeah, about the seasons. Each anime season 99% of the time is 12 episodes and usually they make a new Opening for every new season to emphasize it. It kinda shows just where the show might be going direction and narrative wise via Opening.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:31:23 No problem, dear!! Good lookin' out :) also appreciate the info regarding the theme music & chapter distinctions. I'm still picking up the more technical aspects of how these series work haha. I LOVED that lingering shot on the phone booth - took me a moment to register what I was looking at and then it hit me like a ton'a bricks. Oddly I think the loss of Hughes has affected me a lot more than I'd have guessed. And good to know! I'll definitely have my wits about me for the next few 😅
2018-08-19 23:41:49 No problem, dear!! Good lookin' out :) also appreciate the info regarding the theme music & chapter distinctions. I'm still picking up the more technical aspects of how these series work haha. I LOVED that lingering shot on the phone booth - took me a moment to register what I was looking at and then it hit me like a ton'a bricks. Oddly I think the loss of Hughes has affected me a lot more than I'd have guessed. And good to know! I'll definitely have my wits about me for the next few 😅

No problem, dear!! Good lookin' out :) also appreciate the info regarding the theme music & chapter distinctions. I'm still picking up the more technical aspects of how these series work haha. I LOVED that lingering shot on the phone booth - took me a moment to register what I was looking at and then it hit me like a ton'a bricks. Oddly I think the loss of Hughes has affected me a lot more than I'd have guessed. And good to know! I'll definitely have my wits about me for the next few 😅


Right?? I feel like, in some ways, it'd be harder to pull off those quiet, subtle moments in animation, but like you said I thought they did a great job across the whole episode and ESPECIALLY with Ed. At that point I basically felt like I was watching an actual, physical performance. Really affecting stuff. Definitely seems like it'll take a big toll on Ed, especially. Excited to see that character growth take hold. And good lookin' out re: the season breaks. I guess changing the theme music to denote each new chapter makes a good amount of sense. I guess my only question now is should I continue labeling these as though they're season 1? ..or am I technically screwing things up and this is actually season 2? 😅