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Even though the image that youtube automatically selected makes it look like I'm sad...they are happy tears.

I might cut up this video to put on Youtube cause there's some stuff I say that I'd like to share with more peeps (granted I've been too embarrassed to play it back so I'm not sure haha) But let me know if you guys think it's a good idea.

Love you guys and thank you again, J.D. :)


Thanking Jason Dolan


Loki Marcus

Love ya guys! I only have a patreon to pledge to you guys. Even though I wish I could give more than 5 bucks a month i'm glad that I can contribute a little because you guys have done a lot for me. To be able to talk to people that I relate to is such an incredible gift. <3

Heru Muharrar

This is fucking heart warming man I'm tearing up


You guys definitely deserve any gift that comes your way no matter how expensive. There’s a reason I jumped at the chance to help you guys out on Patreon even before you made an official announcement about it! All the best

David Gandy

Greg and John; my life is definitely better because of you two. I could never say thank you enough. Way to go Jason! These guys deserve our best.


We are Groot. <3

Michael B.

Dude, you guys definitely deserve the love and support. The outlook and approach and care that you all have for not only your content but your viewers and community is one of the main reasons I wanted to join and do the same. If I had more money freed up I would definitely help you all out more because you are YouTube robots. You are genuine souls and it comes through! Aside from just watching, subbing, and throwing a little monthly money at you guys, I am more than willing to help keep you guys going as much as I can. Getting to talk with you guys and the videos themselves are uplifting and positive influence. You always have a positive spin on something and that's a much needed thing these days! Love you guys! If you haven't gotten one by the time I swap out Playstations, I will definitely look into send out guys mine!

Elle B.

Some people don’t have friends that enjoy the same interests/shows/movies as they do so they have no one to geek out over those things with. And I think you guys provide that for them! Which is more important than you may think. You guys deserve the best! And Jason is incredibly kind for this gift! What a cool guy.

Heather Crisford

Awww Greg 💜💜 this video is why you guys are the best. And you know we will always be here for you whatever you need. I’m not surprised at all that Jason was moved to help you out in such a generous way, you are so amazingly dedicated. Love you guys x


Love you too, bud!! Try not to worry ever about the scale of your pledge - the fact that you're here at all and want to contribute at all is humbling for us and something we really do appreciate. Really glad we can relate and share this kooky little journey - even across computer screens. :)


Thanks so much, man! That really means a lot 🤗 I don't think either of us is gonna forget seeing your name pop up before we'd even really gotten the ball rolling. Really warms our hearts that you've stuck around all this time. It's always a pleasure chatting with you & we both look forward to doing it some more! Much love!!


Thanks so much, man. Can't tell you how much it means to hear that, especially coming from you. Your support & enthusiasm mean so much to us and we're really, really glad we're able to bring a little extra joy into your day. Can't wait til we can kick back again in person!!


Aw dude, this was incredibly nice to read. Really appreciate all your love and candor. Don't sweat the amount, it's awesome just to have you as part of our little community, regardless of whatever perks and rewards. The fact that you want to contribute at all means the world to us... aaaand if you're serious about that Playstation... 😏 Haha but seriously man, thank you so much again for both your support & your kind words. And keep up the great work on your channel as well!! Hopefully one day soon we can collab!!


That's a great way to put that! I hope it shines through. Seems like it's certainly reached a good group of people... as evidenced by all of you wonderful humans 🤗 It's easy for us to forget or look past, question the value in what we do (from the inside) sometimes, so we both REALLY appreciate all your love and support. And Jason's a pretty cool guy. Almost as cool as you! 😜

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:31:28 Aw, love you too Heather!! 💙💙 I know we say it a lot, but I don't think we ever expected we'd be in this position, having met so many wonderful and supportive people all because of our little YouTube channel. Your love & support have meant and continue to mean so much to us. It's always a joy to hear from you and I think we're both really glad to have met you - even from a distance. Much love, dear!!!
2018-08-23 02:38:47 Aw, love you too Heather!! 💙💙 I know we say it a lot, but I don't think we ever expected we'd be in this position, having met so many wonderful and supportive people all because of our little YouTube channel. Your love & support have meant and continue to mean so much to us. It's always a joy to hear from you and I think we're both really glad to have met you - even from a distance. Much love, dear!!!

Aw, love you too Heather!! 💙💙 I know we say it a lot, but I don't think we ever expected we'd be in this position, having met so many wonderful and supportive people all because of our little YouTube channel. Your love & support have meant and continue to mean so much to us. It's always a joy to hear from you and I think we're both really glad to have met you - even from a distance. Much love, dear!!!