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Thanks for your question, Rosa!!!

(We'll be sure to address the new Oscar category in an upcoming Q&A segment.)

This one turned into quite the discussion..  where do you guys stand amid all the James Gunn craziness??



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Q&A Rosa


Jason Dolan

My thoughts are thus: Robert Downey Jr is a heroin addict. Josh Brolin is a domestic abuser. T.I. is a lot of things. All have been arrested and been to jail. Are these Disney values? James Gunn made some bad jokes and apologized before Disney even hired him. This is such a clusterfuck for Disney. Roseanne made racist jokes THIS YEAR, and didn't apologize, or change. Two different things altogether. Disney is in breach of contract and will owe James Gunn about $10m. The DCEU is licking their chops to get Gunn. Dave Bautista wouldn't be a bad Black Mask. It's all moot because Gunn will be rehired by the end of the month. Mark my words.


I pretty much stand where you two are on the matter. I would like to add one thing regarding the cast's defense for Gunn. To be quite frank, their support does little for his case. There are countless accounts of people with far more intimate/long-standing relationships, who are completely incognizant to any nefarious activity. Spending a few months out of the year with someone is hardly enough to accurately discern their character, especially if it's only under a professional capacity. This isn't me denouncing Gunn or the cast; I'm simply saying people tailor themselves according to who they're around and/or the situation they're in. They make certain aspects of themselves known to some, hidden from others, or kept secret altogether. It's quite the predicament for all parties involved, but I feel Disney ultimately made the right decision, and for people not to respect that, is selfish.


“It just raises too many questions.” - Val Kilmer playing Batman


I think we'd have agreed had the pictures and some of the other social media posts not dropped afterward. I think you're right in the sense that he'll probably work again sooner than later, but I think his time at Disney is pretty well concluded at this juncture. That Bautista Black Mask idea tho...

Jason Dolan

Admittedly I have not followed it too closely but at least they're using his script it appears. Oh well. Too dark, James. Are you sure you're not from the DC Universe?


Definitely see where you're coming from there and that is a good point. So many times you hear people say things like, "I never would've guessed..." "he seemed so _______," etc. It's possible you might never truly know a person, even working closely with them for a good amount of time. I feel like Gunn's actions in the wake of all this, the responsibility he's taken, etc. suggest something about his character and that's about as much as I can go on, I guess. Either way, appreciate you weighing in!


Hahaha if nothing else, thank you for resurrecting Val Kilmer's Batman for us 😝aaaand that quote's also pretty apropos.


My pleasure! Haha! And yeah, that scene popped in my head during the entire vid. It’s scary the kind of questions this situation raises and the sheer number of them makes the issue pretty toxic


Yeah :-/ passage of time or no, seems like this'll definitely leave a taste in people's mouths for a little while in the present.