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Thanks so much for your question, Elle!!!

Today's Q&A segment is brought to you with a heavy dose of delirium!  ...should be fun, right?

What skills or talents do you guys wish you had?!?!



If you haven't had a chance to ask us a question that you'd like us to do a full video response to, follow the link here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2018-q-20468966

LEAVE YOUR QUESTION in the comment box to that post! Once we hit the LIKE button, that means we've shot a video :)


If We Could Have Any Talent(s) We Don't Currently Possess, What Would They Be?!


Elle B.

I think the likelihood of Rebecca Black becoming a patron is very low, so you’re good greg! 😂 I too wish I could play piano or sing, but really I wish I could dance. Any kind from hip-hop to ballet. I’m so jealous of people that can!


Haha y'never know! Perhaps it's our ultimate goal to get her to join... THIS IS OUR SZECHUAN SAUCE!!! But in seriousness I kinda wish I said dancing, because that's a GREAT one. Long wanted to take dance - one'a these days when there's enough extra time and money.. 😅 I think, for me, I would LOVE to learn swing dancing at some point. If you know what you're doing, it's hard not to look good dancin' swing!!