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and Adelia Chamberlain (long time Patron-O-Ject) was speaking with me about The Last Jedi (as we all do lol). She was not necessarily the biggest fan of that movie - to put it lightly haha

However, she rewatched it and shared a point with me that I surprisingly haven't heard yet. Maybe ya'll had, but it's one of the reasons I love chatting with her...and the rest of the folks over here as well!




Great analysis! Personally, I thought the movie was all right, but this definitely helps me appreciate that character duo a lot more than I initially did. Thanks for sharing.

Loki Marcus

I liked a lot of scenes in the last jedi but i cant bring myself to like the film personally. It just feels lazy too me and poorly thought-out with so many different plot inconsistencies. And although I like Rey's character I never feel as if she's in ANY DANGER. And she uses the force so easily, it doesn't make sense, especially with kylo saying that her parents are no-bodies. Im not gonna call her an all out Mary Sue but id love it if she were to receive actual challenge and perhaps actually get injured in a fight.


Right?? Hadn't thought to look at it that way, but it does cast their origins and their relationship in a pretty interesting light. Makes you wonder if any of the people writing these had those thoughts or if they're just sorta coincidental, because I could definitely see that being by design. Seems clever to reverse the origins that way. Glad you appreciated it!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:32:10 That's fair. I feel like there's a good amount of emotional struggle and angst with Rey, but in terms of the physical action of the force and whatnot, she does have an uncanny knack for it - I sorta wonder if that's still to be addressed in some way. Perhaps IX will reveal that she's especially powerful for one reason or another. I suppose that's why we're not as bothered as the other elements of her struggle make up for it in our eyes. Aside from that, while I think we both appreciated a lot of TLJ's bolder choices, there is a lot going on and there are definitely plotlines and character beats that could have used some additional finesse. I think the only point here I'd flat-out disagree with is just that the film is lazy. I can certainly see some parts feeling inconsistent or poorly conceived, but I do think Rian Johnson & co. tried to do a whole lot of things with it. They certainly didn't rest on their Laurels and just rehash the originals haha, that's for sure.
2018-08-05 02:28:48 That's fair. I feel like there's a good amount of emotional struggle and angst with Rey, but in terms of the physical action of the force and whatnot, she does have an uncanny knack for it - I sorta wonder if that's still to be addressed in some way. Perhaps IX will reveal that she's especially powerful for one reason or another. I suppose that's why we're not as bothered as the other elements of her struggle make up for it in our eyes. Aside from that, while I think we both appreciated a lot of TLJ's bolder choices, there is a lot going on and there are definitely plotlines and character beats that could have used some additional finesse. I think the only point here I'd flat-out disagree with is just that the film is lazy. I can certainly see some parts feeling inconsistent or poorly conceived, but I do think Rian Johnson & co. tried to do a whole lot of things with it. They certainly didn't rest on their Laurels and just rehash the originals haha, that's for sure.

That's fair. I feel like there's a good amount of emotional struggle and angst with Rey, but in terms of the physical action of the force and whatnot, she does have an uncanny knack for it - I sorta wonder if that's still to be addressed in some way. Perhaps IX will reveal that she's especially powerful for one reason or another. I suppose that's why we're not as bothered as the other elements of her struggle make up for it in our eyes. Aside from that, while I think we both appreciated a lot of TLJ's bolder choices, there is a lot going on and there are definitely plotlines and character beats that could have used some additional finesse. I think the only point here I'd flat-out disagree with is just that the film is lazy. I can certainly see some parts feeling inconsistent or poorly conceived, but I do think Rian Johnson & co. tried to do a whole lot of things with it. They certainly didn't rest on their Laurels and just rehash the originals haha, that's for sure.