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Hey guys!

So, if you've been here a while you know how this works.

If you're NEW, all you gotta do is leave your question in the comment box to this post, once we hit the LIKE Button that means we have shoot a FULL VIDEO RESPONSE to your question!

Looking forward to what you guys have to ask us this month :)

We answer these throughout the week so submit your question in the comment box now!!!



what do y’all wanna see from spiderman: far from home?? could be plot-related, character relationships, new villains, settings, etc.

Heather Crisford

How do you feel about making dramatic movies about very recent real life events? They’ve already announced a movie about the Thai cave rescue which seems a little distasteful, if not totally predictable. Are these movies ever really successful?


Try saying my full name out loud, lol. But on a more serious note. Do you think modern audiences have shorter and shorter attention spans? Especially rise of superhero movies and youtube stuff , there's a change in how movies are paced and stories are delivered. Films like bladerunner 2049 bombing is a great example of that.


Hey I know y'all do a lot of comic book related material and a bunch of anime as well, I was wondering do y'all watch any documentaries about that depict real life. For example Last Chance U , or real life Crime stories for pleasure besides the stuff that y'all already do.

Elle B.

If you could have any talent in the world that you don’t already possess, what would it be?

Michael B.

Who would win in a fight, James Bond, Ethan Hunt, or Jason Bourne?! Or serious question, what were your biggest childhood fears and have you faced them?


If you two were arrested and sent to prison for 10 years, who has the best chance of making it out alive and why is it John


Can you guys give us a behind the scenes tour of your channel?


I love watching you're reactions and thoughts to the anime series you guys are watching. Now that you know what anime is all about. Given the recent bad adaptations from Hollywood such as Ghost in the Shell, Dragon Ball Evolution, and Netflix’s Death Note. What do you think Hollywood needs to do in order to make a great live action anime adaptation to satisfy both the fans of the anime and the mainstream viewer?

Neil Uchiha

Are their any movies you think were unfairly destroyed by fans/critics/movie-goers? And on the flip side, are there any movies you never understood the praise for? Like I think Click was unfairly bashed and Batman Begins is hella overrated... not saying it's a bad movie though.

Scuba Steve

Do you guys have any tattoos if so what are they and do they mean anything to you. If not is there anything you would get.


What was your main reason for creating a youtube channel and how has that changed/evolved over the years? as well as what keeps you motivated now that didn't in the past/when you first started?

Mikael Lindén

There are rumors that Mel Gibson and Danny Glover will make Lethal Weapon 5. What do you two think about it and what do you two think of the lethal weapons movies in general?

Ben-Shahan Marshall

what specific movie/show/book/franchise has left the biggest impact on you guys? Maybe changing your views on some things or changing the direction of your life's. I wouldn't say The last jedi has changed my life, but out of the new star wars movies i think it would be my favourite (even though i have quite a few criticisms for it) because of the impact it left on me and how it changed the ways i look movies/stories.

Adelia Chamberlain

Now that we've seen an official image from the new Terminator film, what are your thoughts and anticipation levels for this movie? I'm trying to remain optimistic yet despite the fact that everyone keeps bringing up James Cameron's involvement, I keep thinking about how his attention is being taken up by his 912 Avatar sequels. I don't want this to end up like the last three Terminator films have been, but I'm worried that it will, no matter how badass Linda Hamilton looked in that new photo.

Jamie Smith

Would you want the Glass movie to branch out into a larger universe and if so what would you want to see


Any guilty pleasures you'd like to share, i.e. movies, music, food, etc.?

Jason Dolan

What was the first foreign language movie you remember seeing?

David Gandy

Do you guys ever miss the excitement being with the crowd opening night anticipating a new film when you've seen a prerelease of the film?

Cruz Rivera

Who do you think should replace James Gunn?