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A couple of our friends stopped by this week to check out some new trailers, which we decided to combine into a double feature of impactful drama!

This should be up in its complete form on YouTube before too long, but for now - Join Greg & Cat Alvarado for Beautiful Boy followed by John & Kyle Eilerman for The Hate U Give!!


Beautiful Boy & The Hate You Give


David Gandy

Boy, reread that headline and then the paragraph for context...got it now.

Adelia Chamberlain

Beautiful Boy is on my most-anticipated list (though it'll probably never come to my dinky ass small town so I'll have to wait till streaming) but I knew barely anything about The Hate U Give and damn. That's getting added to my list now. Both movies look like they're covering really relevant topics to our world today and I can't wait to see them.


Haha sorry about that 😅Can definitely see how that'd be a bit of a headfull at first glance.


That's a shame! They gotta open up a Laemmle or something near you!! I was pretty bowled over by both of these trailers - can definitely see why you've been looking forward to Beautiful Boy. This was actually the first I'd heard about both of these and man, The Hate U Give trailer definitely caught me off guard and gripped me. I feel like we don't get to see these kinds of films as much, but I sure hope we get a chance to!


Super excited for these films. Have you watched Insecure, John?


They look pretty good, right?? And yes, actually, big fan of that show as well. Part way thru season 2 at the moment!


I'm super excited for The Hate U Give. It's actually based on a book and it's just prevalent to what's happening in America and I can't wait for this film.