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Thanks for the question Elle B.!!!

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Elle B - Live Theater Q&A


Elle B.

Yup, one terrible experience can ruin it all! Wicked and Spring Awakening are two of my absolute favorites. Wish I lived somewhere cool like LA or NY so I could see more of a variety.

Kurt Anderson

Greg, drunk Shakespeare is a thing. Might be a good way to see something from the bard.


Haha yeeaaahhh 😬but one great one can also repair a lot of that good will! Was lucky enough to see both Wicked and Spring Awakening at the Pantages - great productions, both! Sorry to hear there's not a wider range of shows to choose from near you :( Do the touring productions come near you, or is it mostly on the community level?

Elle B.

It’s mostly community level! Touring productions come to bigger cities like Little Rock or Tulsa/OKC. (2-3hr drive from me). My hopes are to see a broadway production sometime!


Oof! That is a bit of a trek, I'm sorry to hear that! Thank goodness for community theatre at the very least!! I would looove to see an actual broadway production one of these days. Next time I make it out to NY, I think I'll definitely try to make that a priority. 🤞