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Thanks for the question, House Heisenberg!!!

We're doing our best to finish all of June's Q&A before the end of the month, so keep a look out for your question if we haven't gotten to it yet!!!


Heisenberg Scarface Q&A



I totally forgot that it's not a "Tony Montana" movie. I think I remember seeing that a while ago when they first announced the remake but I guess it slipped my mind. In an alternate universe where they ARE making a Tony Montana movie haha I think despite potential "white washing" backlash Oscar Isaac would be perfect. He's not a straight up white guy anyway lol he's actually Guatemalan with a Cuban father so in a way he's more "qualified" (if thats a good word for it) to play Tony Montana than Pacino was. Isaac kind of looks like a young Pacino as well and has nearly as good acting abilities IMO. I just feel he would absolutely crush it in a Tony Montana movie. But I might be in the minority


Haha it's all good! I definitely think Oscar Isaac would have the chops to pull it off. (...truth be told, I think he's got the chops to pull off most any role haha) I don't necessarily think "Pacino!" when I look at him, but that's not a bad thing as for a film like that, I'd want him to be able to really make it his own and not be stuck in the shadow, y'know?