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Thanks for your question, Teanna!!!

Had to put some thought into this one haha, but I think we came up with some decent answers...  hope y'all enjoy!!

What are some films y'all felt missed their potential and could use a remake?!


Teanna Q&A


David Gandy

"Pat Garret and Billy the Kid". Sam Peckinpah did such a great job on his previous film "The Wild Bunch", but this follow up fell flat. I know the studio chopped up the film, but it had so much potential. Maybe Ryan Coogler could make a good remake.

Loki Marcus

I have an idea for a Nightmare On Elmstreet remake! I would center the entire film around one character. A teenage boy in high school who suffers heavily from insomnia and drug abuse. This movie wouldn't be a slasher movie. It would be a character piece in a psychological thriller/horror hybrid. The only one who experiences frightening visions and/or dreams is our main character. It starts out with him going through his normal life he him going through classes in school and working at a pharmacy after school. He is 18 and a newly made senior at the school. We experience a lot of inner monologues describing what he goes through and how he goes through it. Such as the way he steals pills from the pharmacy because he is an addict. He figured out that the camera are messed up and there are two blind spots which let him steal. He also get's more from a dealer in his apartment complex. He lives with his mom and a little brother, and has a girlfriend who knows about his insomnia and some of his visions, but not of his drug addiction. If you don't know, when a person goes multiple days with no sleep and is on a lot of drugs they will start to experience a lot of hallucinations, both audible and visual. The whole movie takes place between 5 days. There are no real nightmares. The nightmares symbolize his visions and how they begin to slowly bleed into every aspect of his life as he perception becomes more warped and separated from reality. He sees these horrifying( and sometimes humorous) images and sounds as just that of halluinations, until he begins to notice a figure stalking him and appearing in places that would make anyone uncomfortable. The first time he sees this figure is at the end of a long school hallway. The hallways becomes dark and fades into that of concrete with pipes. The figure is a nightmarish version of what we know to be Freddy Krueger. In this movie, freddy is simply that of an urban legend in the town. That legend imprints on him and becomes the antagonist of his bending reality. Freddy represents the jungian shadow in psychology, which is basically your subconscious and the architect of your dreams. Throughout the movie he becomes more and more intense and doesn't speak a word until the climax. At first he only appears to make the audience and the main lead uncomfortable. With images in mirrors, hallways, and in overall darkness. For instance, there would be a scene in which the main lead can't stop hearing wales of pain in his ears when he comes home. When he is eating dinner with his family he hears in a low whisper(in his own voice) "Im above you. I'm standing in your room right nowwwww. Waiting for youuuuu." The third act begins when the main character has a complete psychotic episode after a face to face encounter with freddy. He runs to his girlfriends home and screams to her that freddy is real and is trying to kill him. "Freddy wants to make me insane first before he finishes me off!" He tells her. And then they go to the hospital and the doctor does tests and notifies his family of the results. They are worried that he has paranoid schizophrenia but the doctor tells them that he suffers from extreme insomnia and is taking a ridiculous amount of drugs. He is off the charts and is taking enough to kill 2 people. He falls into a coma and the final showdown begins. At first everything freddy says is just mimicking things that the main characters has said throughout the film. It is freaky since freddy is still using his voice. But the ending is at the drug store(in his mind) in which the main lead grabs a handfull of pills and shoves them into freddy's mouth, causing the manifestation to have an overdose. Our main character is essentially ridding himself of all his burdens of evil and guilt and chooses to turn his life around and become better instead of continuing to go further down the path of drug abuse and failure. That's all ive got rn. Sorry for how long it was. And sorry for how much grammatical errors there must be.

Loki Marcus

And yes ofc they live on a street called elm street. Haha. Plus id want all the music to be similar to background music in a creepypasta video. And the jumpscares would be visual, instead of audible.


i need a redo of the avatar:the last air bender movie so i can erase the bad one from my mind. idk who would direct it, but the russo brothers are fantastic at taking on big universes like that so maybe them! also, i’ve been saying for a while now that they need to make a good fantastic four movie. now that marvel owns those properties, it has the potential to be something great. idk who would be a good director (someone like taika watiti would be make the movie hilarious), but i want harrison osterfield to play johnny storm really badly. once that movie is set up, they could do a movie with the human torch & spiderman. they’re a great duo in the comics and harrison & tom holland are already best friends in real life also your cats are so cute please tell them i love them!!


Lmaoo nice picks guys.

Kurt Anderson

I’d love to see a decent film version of Eragon (actually the whole series) the books are great fun but damn that film sucked. I don’t care who directs it but I think they should at least read the source material since it is obvious that they didn’t bother with that the first time out


Not bad! Just watched the trailer haha and I can definitely see how this could use some punching up. A Ryan Coogler Western would be a pretty interesting prospect! And I guess the only question from here is... do you keep the Dylan score or get another artist to record something new?!


No worries! This is basically the start to a treatment haha. Appreciate you sharing :) Sounds like a pretty interesting approach to the story! Definitely think it'd be a neat idea to take things a little further from the familiar while rooting things in the mind, still. Kinda get an Evil Dead (2013) vibe with the drugs aspect. And I like that you've taken the time and care to detail Freddy's presence as a metaphorical demon as well as a boogeyman in this scenario. Not a bad place to start - get workin' on that spec script!!


Haha gotta have an Elm Street in there! And don't forget all the terror that can come from the sheer freedom of design and fuck-up-ed-ness the recesses of the mind allow for ;)


I think a loooot of folks would be with you on that Last Airbender remake 😅never actually wound up seeing Shyamalan's film, but I heard pleeenty of spirited reviews for it haha. Think the Russos could definitely pull it off and, while selfishly I'd kinda prefer a more off-the-beaten path choice, I thiiiink that franchise could really benefit from a "sure-thing," at least while getting back on that initial track. A proper F4's a good choice as well! I feel like that's gonna be looming on the horizon sooner than later - and a younger team could be prettycool, especially given the connection you've drawn here with Homecoming. Would definitely be fun to see Spidey and the Torch kick some ass together! Any idea who you'd want to direct that one? Also -- Copper just hopped into my lap as I'm typing this lol. He and Tod send their love!!! 😹


Oof 😣haha I'd almost forgotten about Eragon. You'd really think they'd have enough common sense to at least get familiar with the source material and bother to keep the spirit in tact lol. I feel like it's not that hard figure out that there's only so much liberty you can take before whatever you're adapting just spiritually isn't that thing anymore... Think we'll just have to wait for the next big wave of YA properties to hit...

David Gandy

Well, you gotta keep "Knocking on Heaven's Door" even if you do update the rest of the Dylan score. (The song becomes more meaningful when you hear it over the visuals it was written for. ) Coogler could give the characters more depth and make them more compelling, especially Billy, which is what the film most needed.


i have no idea tbh! who do y’all think would be a good director for that type of movie?


Man haha, that's a tricky question. Personally, I feel like a new F4 could benefit from a certain amount of whimsy, given its unique ensemble and history.. So not exactly like a Peyton Reed type, but maybe somebody with a bit more of a comedy background for that one to get it back off the ground? A lot of people might not agree, but since superhero movies are going out of their way more and more to keep things fresh by mixing in new genres and sensibilities these days, I feel like Fantastic 4 could be cool as a lighter affair. Maybe something PG or a whimsical PG-13 territory? That's my two cents haha