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Thanks for the question, Ron Harrison!!!

FINALLY doing our LAST QUESTION from MAY 2018 Q&A!!!

Curious, what are your guys' favorite Disney Live Action movies?!!!

Keep a lookout for our post for JUNE 2018 Q&A :)


Our THOUGHTS On Disney Making LIVE ACTION VERSIONS of Animated Classics?!


Jason Dolan

Let's see, I hated Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella. I could not STAND the little kid in Jungle Book so I'll never watch that movie again. Maleficent was very mediocre. I don't even remember the Glenn Close 101 Dalmatian movies. Not sure I ever watched them. Overall, these films have not worked for me. So any time they are brought up, I don't get all that excited. Even The Lion King feels like a cash grab redundancy. But hey, as long as Disney is using that cash to pay for Star Wars movies and Marvel movies, keep doing you, Disney.

David Gandy

For me doing the live action is neutral. It's the same as every other film. What is the purpose and goals of the film? Are all the elements being well executed and working together, etc. The trap in doing the live action take is relying on the novelty which for the most part is not enough

Ron Harrison

As a business, it's smart for Disney to capitalize on the properties they already own. They have every right to remake this movies every 5 or 10 years if they want. However what made films like Snow White, Bambi, Dumbo...special is that they were original content from Disney. I know Disney's history of taking existing stories or fables and making them more kid friendly. But seeing something fresh and new for many people is a wonderful experience. I know Disney wants to retain its status as an entertainment giant, but I just want to be entertained when I see a movie. Finding the right balance is key. Thanks for taking my question guys.


Oh damn haha, had just about forgotten they made 101 Dalmatians back in the day! Can't exactly blame you not being into this particular trend. To me, it's one of those that feels like it *should* work a lot more often than it seems to - especially with the more warped ones like Maleficent (which I'm still oddly curious to check out). I guess I'm not entirely sure what I want when it comes to these movies, especially the ones intended to be the more faithful adaptations. But either way, here's hoping Dumbo or Lion King wind up being some of the special ones!


Definitely agree with you here. Gotta come in with the right approach - other than "haven't seen this in a while..." There's only so much mileage you can get out of being a technically impressive leap from one side of the medium to another. I guess I admire the ones like Maleficent that try and twist the story in a different direction, but more often than not this seems like a pretty hit-or-miss trend in practice.


No problem man, thanks for asking! :) I think you laid it out pretty well here and for the most part I think we agree. Feel like a couple of these newer adaptations have bordered on that balance, but part of me feels like it might be more effective and more special for them to tell more new stories, but in the style of their classic films. Granted that's risky (as I guess Princess and the Frog proved; part of why we don't see the hand-drawn films from them anymore), but as you said, part of the love for those classics came from the freshness at the time. Those stories felt like they'd been given the Disney stamp. Here's hoping some of the new ones can find that sweet spot... 🤞

Jason Dolan

Believe it or not... the DUMBO trailer sold me. I am excited for that movie. But still not the Lion King yet.