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So, for many months now, the same station where we film is also the computer we edit on. The challenging part has been we haven't had a working laptop so we can multitask and be editing for Youtube & Patreon simultaneously which often means late nights and/or not being as on top of getting videos up as we'd like!  

Because of the contributions from the Patron-O-Ject Nation, and with my brother willing to sell us his high quality laptop, we have now purchased a laptop that will allow us to get more things done at a quicker rate.

Had to go to 4 events this past week that were each about an hour away going there and back, decided to not attend another this week so we can get this ship sailing even smoother now that we got this extra computer.

Love you guys and thank you for helping support the channel! Without your contributions, this would not have been possible. 

Going to take it easy today so we can get into the full swing of things manana!