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Edward and Alphonse (along with Colonel Mustang) take a little detour to Resembool to visit Granny & Winry!  Wonder who they'll meet along the way...

Join meeee!!

**ALSO!  I got confused during the recap and refer to Major Armstrong as Col. Mustang a number of times during this episode...  sorrryyyyyyy!**


Fullmetal 6



Aw you said my name in the video . Edgar is just fine, since that is proper english equivalent . The last part is just because of my nonsensical native language. lol. Actually , surprisingly i was fine with the comedy in this episode , due to general tone and nature of whole thing . It was more relaxed and I am ok with that when there is time and place for that and this episode was just that. BTW, Mustang is the Fire alchemist lol. And you have been calling Amstrong this whole ep Mustang .It easy to get mixed up with names ,especially when you have large cast. About Lust showing up at last min, thats one of the tropes when it comes to bad guys, Usually its done poorly by having awful pay off. But i gotta say i kinda dig, the whole showing bad guys for a moment for multiple episodes and building towards something greater . When its done right, its pretty satisfying. To thats just general trope in fiction I feel

Ryan H

A great reaction other than the name mix up.


Haha yes!! Gotta make sure y'all are paying attention 😜 I'll be sure to go with Edgar next time. Haha which is your native language? Appreciate you checking me on the Armstrong stuff haha 😅😖 weirdly it feels so obvious now, and I think I made note of the Armstrong/Strongarm switch in one of the previous episodes.. I think I got confused during the recap as Mustang's name is mentioned over images of Armstrong fighting Scar, but either way, I won't be forgetting now haha. Definitely think it's interesting having (what I assume are) the big-bads pop up in little doses as the season progresses. Can also certainly see how a lackluster payoff could render that pretty frustrating, but at least with what each of these episodes seems to be concerned with, I think it's cool having that buildup and dread sorta percolating in the margins. Excited (and afraid) to see what those characters build to haha. Thanks as always for your feedback, mate!! :)


Thanks a bunch 😊 glad you enjoyed it!! It's funny, I remember making note of his name in a previous episode, but I think I must've gotten confused during the recap when Mustang's name is mentioned over the clip of Armstrong fighting Scar. Certainly won't forget his name next time haha.


It's Lithuanian. Lithuania is close neighbors with Estonia and Latvia. Basically Baltic countries to give context. To be fair since I'm in UK atm, I barely use my native language. Anyways glad you're enjoying it. I know I said it before, but I think it's nice when you guys are not as jaded as a lot of people on internet. You take it with enthusiasm which is kinda rare when it comes to any kind of media nowadays.

Elle B.

Armstrong has some of my favorite moments of the series. Your love for him will increase throughout watching it! And the forgotten screw means Winry has an excuse to see Ed again. Lol


Judging by the few moments I've had with him so far, I certainly do not doubt that haha. And good haha, I'll definitely be happy to see Winry again - just so long as Ed's arm doesn't.. like.. fall off or something in the meantime 😅


Ahh, okay! Good to know :) It's crazy haha, the world feels smaller than ever these days. How did you first discover us if you don't mind me asking? And what's got you over in the UK at the moment? And that's alright - it's actually really nice to hear that :) I think a lot of the enthusiasm just comes from us naturally - neither of us really gets a lot of joy out of trashing anything (even though some people enjoy that kind of thing and that's fair too). It's really cool what we get to do for a living and even cooler that people like you actually care about it at all, and being grateful for all of that, I think that naturally feeds the enthusiastic vibe. Wherever it comes from, though, I'm glad you appreciate it :)


I think I was searching for Dark Knight Rises reviews on youtube and most people were pretty down on the movie, including me, lol Gregs more positive take on it kinda intrigued me and reaction videos were novelty to me and here I am lol. I am working in UK , Got kinda fed up with mentality and overall scenery of Lithuania and this was nice and needed change . When it comes to criticisms of media itself , I would say I am pretty easy to please and usually I try to be have more middle ground approach even with my criticisms , Even tho my friends think I am pretty picky and harsh when it comes to films and shows lol. I just think nothing is above reproach when it comes to media and the actual conversation as long as its reasonable . And trying to go for extremes in one way or another is kinda a lot less interesting . I am more interested how said media affects people and why rather than is this good piece of cinema or whatev. Sometimes how film affects people is more interesting than film itself.