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Are There Conspiracies We Totally Believe In?!



The thing about conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones is that his real objective is to misdirect people from what’s actually going on to insane conspiracies led by groups led by almost godlike individuals that have absolute control as opposed to rich people that have aligned interests and keep on buying politicians. If Alex Jones didn’t exist, the CIA would create and fund a media figure like him, because what he does is useful to them

Heather Crisford

Thanks guys, I’m always a little susceptible to a good conspiracy after watching a well researched documentary but I don’t know if there’s anything wacky I 100% believe in. Tower 7 was the 3rd tower that fell and it went down so quickly and in such a manner that many architects have said it must have been a controlled explosion from the inside. They say that no building has ever collapsed on itself in that way or at that speed from a fire before. It’s pretty interesting and I don’t think I’d be surprised if the government was involved in that one when you think how much they’ve gotten away with since, using 9/11 as an excuse. Flat earthers are hilarious because they literally believe that every scientist, air pilot, astrologist etc are all paid off by NASA to keep us from the truth that we are actually living on a giant pancake. Those guys are just nutters. If you want some good conspiracy theory docs then I highly recommend Cowspiracy and What the Health for issues that are close to my heart 💕


I feel like there is definitely something up with the JFK assassination. There seems to be a lot of motives and a lot of oddities with the actual story. Its very interesting stuff


What IS the lizard people conspiracy theory??? Can somebody break it down for me?


See, that's the thing about conspiracy theories haha. I feel like once we get on the topic, there's no end to the branches and offshoots. Can definitely see your point here, the elements of strategic distraction. It's like even taking on the concept and trying to unravel it, you get locked in a weird game of looping hypotheticals. Although I guess I also feel like as long as there are people and grey areas in the world. these kinds of theories will always exist and take up a certain amount of mental real estate.. if that makes any sense. Appreciate the feedback!


No problem, dear, appreciate the question! 😊 Don't get a lot of time to kick back and think about these things, but there is something sort of inherently fascinating about them. Could definitely see ourselves falling down some rabbit holes in an alternate, more leisurely universe haha. Because again - with so many different things to theorize about and weird, disparate details to lace together, you gotta imagine that a certain percentage of these things must be hiding, at the very least, partial truths.. Appreciate you expounding a little on the tower 7 theory. Sounds pretty fascinating.. in a horrifying kind of way.. haha. I guess in principal I can understand the obsession with a theory like that moreso than flat earth where it does kinda seem like.. willful ignorance haha. Appreciate the documentary recommendations! We'll add 'em to our queue! :)


Ahhh, that's right! That one I'd definitely be curious to hear more about. I feel like the more down-to-earth theories like that tend to stick on my brain the most. Even if not 100% true, it always feels like there have got to be some elements, at the very least, that could be. Would be quite curious to read more on this at some point..


I'm sure someone can probably break this down better than I, but basically it's the idea that many of the world's powerful people are of an otherworldly race of humanoid lizards... and that reptilian themes and images have appeared over the years in various myths and images. That theory always makes me think of They Live.. haha

Heather Crisford

Pretty much! David Icke was one of the first people to float this theory and now millions of Americans claim to believe it. It’s easy to see why certain powerful people may not appear human but still....it’s a little wacky to say the least. Also I’m not sure what people imagine their plan for the human race is - total lizard domination I guess. One of my favourite authors Jon Ronson wrote a great book called ‘Them: the secret rulers of the world’ where he spent time with David and other eccentrics, if anyone’s interested 😊 anyway lizards are cool man, they don’t deserve the bad publicity 🦎


Awesome! Thanks! That actually sounds like a cool idea for a movie