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While I thought this was video was really funny, I'm really not sure about posting this on youtube. Some might agree with me deciding not to, and others will definitely not. I'll have to ultimately outweigh how my moral compass feels about putting it out there lol

In the moment, especially after the reaction, I was thinking about how funny it was and how much I love Lil Dicky. 

Then last night, I got caught in thought about the horrible things Chris Brown has done, how it wasn't that long ago at all that another ex girlfriend of his got a 5 year restraining order showing proof that Chris Brown gave life harming threats to beat her - I just don't think the dude has changed and it makes me uncomfortable that this vid might make it look like I don't give a shit about the idea that this dude is a dangerous abuser. 

I don't know. Might put it up on YT, might not, in the discussion part none of us defend the guy at all, and I would like to put it up to promote Cat's upcoming TV appearance -

We intentionally didn't do the Jeepers Creepers 3 Reaction & Review because of the horrible things the director has done & I know A LOT Of people have put up their Reaction to this video - so like I said, if we decide to not put it up on YT, some will agree, and some won't. 

But I figured I'd at least share it with you guys here since Cat Alvarado made an appearance, fellow Patron-O-Ject Grace Pittman requested the vid, and in the end, we all ultimately did laugh quite a bit lol AND it's still a Patron Exclusive cause the vid would be edited down for YT and not feature the full Reaction.

Open to hearing y'all's thoughts as well.  Thanks, guys!


Lil Dicky Freaky Friday feat Chris Brown Official Music Video REACTION!!!


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