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Thanks for the question, Roman The Reactor!

Curious, what characters could you see a T.V. Show Based off of?!


What Marvel Or DC Character Would We Like To See A TV SERIES of?!



Blade 100% Blade, Awesome films and would make a great dark netflix show


Spectre is a good one John! And WTF Greg hahaha You guys had me in stitches! Nightwing would be pretty badass. And the idea for turning each comic issue into it's own episode for Batman is brilliant. They could make it on a budget. The suit doesn't need to be super fancy. Something simple could work with a great actor. Have it be very dark and mysterious. Like we don't know Batman is a good guy for awhile. IDK, I just think Batman would work better on the small screen. He's been done to death at the cinema. Know what I mean? I enjoyed the video guys!


I would love a show of post Winter Soldier SHIELD where it tries to build itself up from the shadows while combating Hydra infiltrators at the same time. The team doubts one another, but ultimately they have to trust each other to move on and be constantly on the run from the Government. It can explore more Marvel characters and plots from the comics and expand upon the MCU. Its episodes can tie in to the Marvel movies. But I'm taking it too far. I mean, such a perfect show cannot possibly exist, right? Right?


Haha glad you dug our answers! I think we can agree re: Batman. Seems like a shift of medium might be an actual key to reinvigorating it some - moreso than just announcing new casting for an upcoming film or something like that. Plus, it'd be cool to see an actor get to grow that character over time in a more concentrated way.. This could work!! lol


Hahaha maybe not YET... 😉 although that does sound like a pretty sweet idea! Make for a good opportunity to utilize SHIELD and expand on that in a decidedly different way from the current SHIELD series and the current MCU. We like the way you think!!